Packagist Number


Tested on Mac OSX using homebrew/php/php70 and Ubuntu





vendor/bin/phpunit ./tests

Task list

  • Walking skeleton with edge-to-edge testing

    • Simulator for testing GitHub gateway
    • Simulator for testing Packagist gateway
    • Behat context to test basic acceptance criteria
    • Production code to meet basic acceptance criteria
  • Expose use-case via HTTP endpoint

  • Run one acceptance criteria test against HTTP endpoint

  • Scenario with contributors connected by shared contributor (packagist number of 2)

  • Scenario with contributors connected by packagist number of 3

  • Scenario with very large packagist number e.g. > 50

  • Caching of API result-sets to prevent rate limiting

  • Scenario where Pull Request response is paginated

  • Scenarios where contributions are not made by Pull Request

  • Investigate usage of Google BigQuery using GitHub Archive instead of GitHub API to get repositories contributed to


  • features - Behat acceptance criteria specifications

  • simulator - Used for testing, to simulate GitHub and Packagist API's

  • tests - Unit Tests

  • src - Production code