
Quick demo using AKS Engine to create a cluster with Windows nodes and deploy a pod with two Windows containers

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Quick demo using AKS Engine to create a cluster with Windows nodes and deploy a pod with two Windows containers Also see the slides shared for the Kubernetes Colorado meetup


  1. Follow the steps in the AKS Engine Quickstart using the kubernetes.json in this repo
  2. Apply the two-containers.yaml in this repo to the cluster (borrowed from the aks-engine windows-and-kubernetes examples

Step by step from my Mac

$ brew upgrade kubectl
$ brew install Azure/aks-engine/aks-engine
$ az login
$ export RESOURCEGROUP=akse-windows
$ export LOCATION=southcentralus
$ az group create –n $RESOURCEGROUP –l $LOCATION
$ export RESOURCEGROUPID=$(az group show --resource-group $RESOURCEGROUP --query id --output tsv)
$ export SERVICEPRINCIPAL=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --role="Contributor" --scopes=$RESOURCEGROUPID --output json)
$ curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/aks-engine/master/examples/windows/kubernetes.json -o kubernetes.json
# edit dnsPrefix, adminPassword, keyData, clientId, secret 
$ code kubernetes.json
$ aks-engine generate kubernetes.json
$ az group deployment create –g $RESOURCEGROUP –-template-file "./_output/wink8s1/azuredeploy.json" –-parameters "./_output/wink8s1/azuredeploy.parameters.json" > az-group-deployment.out
$ export KUBECONFIG=$(PWD)/_output/wink8s1/kubeconfig/kubeconfig.southcentralus.json
$ kubectl get nodes –o wide
$ kubectl apply –f two-containers.yaml
$ kubectl get pods
$ kubectl port-forward two-containers-… 7000:80

Getting logs

$ kubectl get pods
$ kubectl exec -ti two-containers-… powershell
PS C:\> Dir .\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1\
PS C:\> Get-Content .\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1\u_ex191105.log -Tail 2 #replace log file name