
jQuery plugin to validate email addresses and retrieve associated Gravatar images

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A jQuery plugin to validate email addresses and retrieve associated Gravatar images based on work by Gavyn McKenzie and Lea Verou

Browser support

IE10+ as it uses the HTML5 constraint validation API rather than a complex regex that will always have something missing. You can easily swap this out though.

Getting Started


Install with Bower using bower install jquery.gravatation --save-dev


The script is available with the dependcied bundled in (md5.js and debounce.js) or you can download the standalone script without dependencies if you already have them as part of your project. Neither contain jQuery.


<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="dist/jquery.gravatation.bundled.min.js"></script>
$(document).ready( function(){

Note that this will not actually do anything by itself. Currently the plugin returns the image object and src within callbacks for you to do with as you wish.


  size: 40 // (int) - anything up to 2048
  secure: false // (bool) - serve via https or not
  timeout: 500 // (ms) - debounce on the input
  ext: true // (bool) - add .jpg to the image src
  validate: 'input' // (string) - any jQuery event or false to disable
  d: '' // (string) default avatar https://en.gravatar.com/site/implement/images/


Each callback returns jQuery objects to be used.

  • $input - the input in which the user is typing
  • $img - the image object to be inserted where you want
  • src - the Gravatar image request url. It will either return a Gravatar or a default image
  • email - the validated email address
  onInit: function( $input ){},
  onEmpty: function( $input ){},
  onInput: function( $input ){},
  onValid: function( $input, email ){},
  onInvalid: function( $input ){},
  onGravatarSuccess: function( $img, src, $input ){},
  onGravatarFail: function( $img, src, $input ){}

Gravatar always returns an image, even when no Gravatar is found. So if you provide a callback for onGravatarFail then the plugin automatically uses 404 as the default Gravatar image so it can detect a failure and match the callback. Otherwise it will never be called.


Set error and valid states on the input

  onValid: function( $input ){
  onInvalid: function( $input ){

View on CodePen: http://codepen.io/craigmdennis/full/rVwmEN/

Remove an error state when empty

  onEmpty: function( $input ){

Insert the image after the input

  onGravatarSuccess: function( $img, src, $input ){
    $img.insertAfter( $input );

Insert the image as a background image

  onGravatarSuccess: function( $img, src, $input ){
    $('#gravatar').attr( 'background-image', src );

Disable validation

Rolling your own validation? No problem. Simply pass in false as the validate option and the plugin will bypass validation and instead check for a Gravatar every time the input changes (after the timeout duration).

  validate: false,
  onValid: function( $input, email ){
    console.log('This will never be called.');
  onGravatarSuccess: function( $img, src, $input ){
    console.log('Found a Gravatar image', src);

View on CodePen: http://codepen.io/craigmdennis/full/BNraWj/

Validate on blur instead of input

If you only want to validate when the user switches fields the pass in blur as the validate option.

  validate: 'blur',
  onValid: function( $input, email ){
    console.log('Field is valid and no longer has focus.');

Unbind event handlers

// Unbind all event handlers

// Unbind specific inputs

Release History

Please consult the official changelog