Quick links: Installing | Usage | Contributing
Installing this package requires WP-CLI v0.23.0 or greater. Update to the latest stable release with wp cli update
Once you've done so, you can install this package with wp package install timhysniu/wp-cli-template
For list_all and find you may use a --format to specify the format. Default format is table but you may change that to json or csv.
wp template list_all --format=json
This sub-command will list all templates that are currently in use.
wp template list_all
wp template list_all --grep=home.php --format=json
This sub-command will find all pages that are using a template. You may specify more than one template and can also filter post ID's (comma separated for more than one)
wp template find default home.php page-template1.php
The output that you will see should look something like this if format is not csv or json:
| post_id | template |
| 2 | default |
| 454 | default |
| 771 | default |
| 1029 | default |
This sub-command will change template for all posts if at least one of the filters is used. You use any of the filters: post_id - comma separated list of post ID's template - current template
This exampe will change the template to "page-template1.php" for all posts that have "default" template selected:
wp template change page-template-1.php --template=default
Success: Sucessfully executed. 4 posts updated
wp template change default --post_id=454,2
Success: Sucessfully executed. 2 posts updated