
A ruby wrapper for the Airbrake API

Primary LanguageRuby

Airbrake API Build Status

A ruby wrapper for the Airbrake API


The first thing you need to set is the account name. This is the same as the web address for your account.

AirbrakeAPI.account = 'myaccount'

Then, you should set the authentication token.

AirbrakeAPI.auth_token = 'abcdefg'

If your account uses ssl then turn it on:

AirbrakeAPI.secure = true

Optionally, you can configure through a single method:

AirbrakeAPI.configure(:account => 'anapp', :auth_token => 'abcdefg', :secure => true)

Once you've configured authentication, you can make calls against the API. If no token or authentication is given, an AirbrakeError exception will be raised.

Finding Errors

Errors are paginated, the API responds with 25 at a time, pass an optional params hash for additional pages:

AirbrakeAPI::Error.find(:all, :page => 2)

To find an individual error, you can find by ID:


Find all notices of an error:


Find an individual notice:

AirbrakeAPI::Notice.find(notice_id, error_id)

To resolve an error via the API:

AirbrakeAPI::Error.update(1696170, :group => { :resolved => true})

Recreate an error:

STDOUT.sync = true
AirbrakeAPI::Notice.find_all_by_error_id(error_id) do |batch|
  batch.each do |notice|
    result = system "curl --silent '#{notice.request.url}' > /dev/null"
    print (result ? '.' : 'F')


To retrieve a list of projects:



If an error is returned from the API, an AirbrakeError will be raised. Successful responses will return a Hashie::Mash object based on the data from the response.
