
Laravel Mix extension that automatically compiles your Ziggy routes. Features built in watch mode and user configuration.

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Laravel Mix Ziggy Watch

Laravel Mix extension which adds support for building your Ziggy routes file during mixing as well as automatic rebuilding when in --watch mode.


npm i laravel-mix-ziggy-watch


yarn add laravel-mix-ziggy-watch


const mix = require("laravel-mix");

mix.js("resources/js/app.js", "public/js").ziggyWatch({});


You can pass config options to the ziggyWatch method in your mix file.

name type required description default
watch string/array/boolean no Paths to files, dirs to be watched recursively, or glob patterns. false to disable watch ["routes/**/*.php"]
output string no The output path of your generated routes file, relative to root dir "resources/js/ziggy.js"
production boolean no Enable build/watch in production mode true
development boolean no Enable build/watch in development mode true