
Static site generator for the Ghost blogging platform.

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

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Static site generator for the Ghost blogging platform.


$ npm install --save ghost-trap


var ghostTrap = require('ghost-trap');

ghostTrap('localhost', '2368', './build-folder', 'yourdomain.com');


.trap(ghostDomain, ghostPort, staticDirectory, staticWebAddress, [callback], [debug])

Generates a static site from http://[ghostDomain]:[ghostPort]/ and places it in staticDirectory (relative to where you ran the command). You must add staticWebAddress as the command also replaces any instance of 'localhost:2368' in the static site to the value of staticWebAddress (as Ghost, when run locally, has references to that address).


  • {String} (required) Domain that the ghost instance is running on (usually localhost).
  • {String} (required) Port that the ghost instance is running on (usually 2368).
  • {String} (required) The directory you want the static site built in, relative to the folder where this method is run.
  • {String} (required) The web address that replaces the instances ghostDomain in the static build
  • {Function} (optional) A callback is made whenever a fetch fails or when the crawl is complete, should listen to it!
  • {Function} (optional) This method will be called with verbose information whenever something happens of importance

Returns: null

.runStaticSite(staticDirectory, staticPort)

Runs the newly made static site from staticDirectory on localhost:staticPort. This is so you can check that the static site rendered correctly.


  • {String} (required) The directory you want the static site built in, relative to the folder where this method is run.
  • {String} (required) Port that the static site should run from.
  • {Function} (optional) This method will be called with verbose information whenever something happens of importance


  • {Object} The HTTP server instance. You can run server.close() to stop the service, or hit ctrl+c to exit if on command line.


$ npm run test


I love using the Ghost blogging engine. Ideally I wanted to run Ghost locally and host as a static site. This module crawls a locally running Ghost instance and generates a static site.


Please contribute. Add issues, send pull requests, the works.


MIT © Craig Ruks