How to run in Terminal


Use the following command to compile:

javac -cp "lib/*" -d bin src/classifier/*.java src/preprocessor/*.java src/util/*.java src/


Use the following command to run:

java -cp bin:"lib/*" AppClassifier

You will be prompted to evaluate the classifier, train a model, or load a model. Please follow the on screen instructions.

An example of evaluation mode would be:

Would you like to:
    (e)valuate our classifier?
    (t)rain our classifier and input test data?
    (l)oad a previously trained model and input test data?
Evaluation Mode
Enter training_desc filename and path: data/training_desc_500.csv
Enter training_labels filename and path: data/training_labels.csv
Preprocessing files...

Other features

Whilst our program is a SVM classifier, other classifiers were added during our testing. These can be found in src/classifier/ Modifying the src/ would allow for other classifiers to be tested.