
A Vanilla ES6 version of the Todo MVC app using SCSS for CSS, and Gulp/Babel to transpile it.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#Vanilla ES6 TodoMVC

The TodoMVC app using vanilla ES6. Refactored so that it's using SCSS for the CSS, reorganized the HTML markup, and also using Babel to transpile it.

####Running locally

####Instructions for development

  • Open a new terminal window.
  • Start the default gulp task by typing gulp.

####Instructions for making a build

  • Run the gulp task build by typing gulp build.

####Running a production server

  • End the server task if it's already running.
  • Start the server by typing gulp server --production.

######Version 1.1.0

  • Converted JavaScript in Gulp files to ES6.

######Version 1.0.0

  • Created app.
  • Switched to using Gulp/Babel to transpile the JavaScript.
  • Switched to usig SCSS for the CSS.
  • Refactored HTML.