
Collection of orgs relating to Web/Node/JS standards.

NodeJS related organisations

Collection of organisations and standards relating to Web/NodeJS/Javascript. Worth keeping an eye on or at least having an idea exist.

PLEASE feel free to add any others you feel are missing 🙏 😊



  • HTML5 spec + proposals
  • W3C is old, not maintained and duplicates whatwg code.


  • "Technical Steering Committee" for Node.js
  • Governing body of Node.js Foundation.
  • Responsible for Node.js core project
  • Ayo was created as ppl not happy with TSC.


  • "Web-interoperable Runtimes Community Group"
  • Javascript runtime standards (mainly server)
  • Common API's and things available in the runtime.
  • So we dont have to just rely on NodeJS.


  • Scripting language for the standard ECMA-262 (see ECMA section)
  • the Javascript standard


  • Technical Committee for Javascript
  • handles ES spec and proposals
    • Technical Committee.
    • Ruby + Python dont have, just original spec.
    • C# has standard, but made after engine adds it BUT JS create standard then engines implement it.
    • Moment.js author, Promise spec author, champion Modules.
    • difficult to deprecate JS features. Node is versioned. Browsers are but ppl dont read it.
  • What stage of spec use features? Normally babel
  • https://github.com/tc39/proposals/blob/master/README.md
  • Yearly release of features which are ready. stage 4.
  • Bi-monthly meetings with important ppl.


OpenJS Foundation

  • Supports projects + tools in JS community
  • it's jquery and dojo foundations combined.
  • collaborates with Node + TC39 foundation
  • care about the JS community as a whole.
  • have a code of conduct
  • NodeJS Foudation and JS Foundation merged