
Just a sample project using React, Nancy & F#

Primary LanguageC#

Overview (where do I start?)


  • Executable for the WebServer (OWIN Self-Host) & Website



  • .net Framework 4.6.1
  • Nuget to get the dependencies
  • Git to get the code (optional)
  • Visual Studio 2013 or 2015 with F# and C# support to open and edit it (optional)


  • Internet connection (in order to connect Bootstrap & JQuery CDNs)
  • node & npm to get the dependencies and run the dev-server (optional)


The quick way

  1. Start the WebServer : /dist/server/EquationsSolver.WebApi.exe (port can be changed in the app.config)
  2. Run the front end : open in your favorite browser /dist/client/index.html (port can be changed in the app.config)

If the post is already taken, it can be changed in the server/app.config. It also must be change on the client in client/dist/bundle.js, as the JS is minified, just do a find an replace for the token http://localhost:12321/resolve/

The long way

All the optional prerequisites mentioned above must be met

  • Server
  1. Open the solution in VS2015
  2. Restore the nuget packages
  3. Run EquationSolver.WebApi in debug mode
  • Client
  1. open a command line tool (cmd.exe), go to the project directory /EquationSolver.Web
  2. restore npm packages - npm install
  3. start webpack dev server - npm run start
  4. Website will be available on localhost:8080
npm install
npm run start 


Tech Stack

  • WebServer Middleware : OWIN (SelfHosted)
  • WebService/REST WebApi : NancyFx (similar to Asp.net WebApi2 but lightweight)
  • Math Expression Helper : Math.Net (F#)
  • DI : Ninject
  • Front End Libraries : React (to design the web components), JQuery (only for ajax), Bootstrap

Project Structure

The solution contains 4 projects :

  • EquationsCore : F# project for resolving equations and dealing with math expressions.
  • EquationsSolver.WebApi : Contains a self-hosted OWIN webserver implemented with NancyFX and the equation resolver service (wrapper around EquationsCore)
  • EquationsSolver.Tests : unit tests for EquationsCore & EquationsSolver.WebApi
  • EquationsSolver.Web : Singe Page App containing mainly a ReactJS standalone component to solve equations and display the result (by using the WebApi)