
Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

lightningd (Core Lightning) for Docker

Use this Dockerfile to spin off Lightning Network node instances.


Building the image

Refer to the Bitcoin Core for Docker instructions for details on how to build the bitcoin-cli Docker image.

To build the lightningd Docker image:

docker build -t lightningd .

Sample run

Start an instance of bitcoind on regtest network:

cd sandbox
docker run --name bitcoind-regtest-1 --network bitcoin-regtest --ip --rm -v $PWD/sample.bitcoin:/.bitcoin bitcoind

On another terminal window:

cd sandbox
docker run --name lightningd-regtest-1 --rm -it --network bitcoin-regtest -v $PWD/sample.lightning:/root/.lightning -v $PWD/sample.bitcoin/regtest/.cookie:/root/.bitcoin/regtest/.cookie lightningd

Lightning CLI

We can use lightning-cli on the same container in which we started the daemon:

docker exec -it lightningd-regtest-1 lightning-cli listfunds