
:exclamation: This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. DiceKriging — Kriging Methods for Computer Experiments. Homepage: https://dicekrigingclub.github.io/www/

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DiceKriging: Kriging methods for computer experiments

This repository is the regular DiceKriging package repository (available at http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/DiceKriging). It contains the latest sources, possibly some supplement of stable CRAN release.


You can install the standard (CRAN) version of the code: install.packages("DiceKriging")

You can install the latest (this repository) version x.y.z of the code:

  • using pre-built packages:
    • Windows: install.packages("https://github.com/DiceKrigingClub/DiceKriging/releases/download/windows/DiceKriging_x.y.z.zip")
    • Linux: install.packages("https://github.com/DiceKrigingClub/DiceKriging/releases/download/osx-linux/DiceKriging_x.y.z.tar.gz")
    • OSX: install.packages("https://github.com/DiceKrigingClub/DiceKriging/releases/download/osx-linux/DiceKriging_x.y.z.tgz")
  • or using the devtools R package (assuming you have C compiler installed):
install.packages("devtools") # Install devtools, if you haven't already.
devtools::install_github("DiceKriging", "DiceKrigingClub")
