Install from here on App Store.
This is an unofficial application for conference of iOSDC Japan 2022.
You can check and search the timetable of the conference.
It's built with SwiftUI only, using Swift Playgrounds instead of Xcode.
The architecture is based on MVVM
Screen transitions are made via Environment
Install Swift Playgrounds and open PadOSDC.swiftpm
that cloned following step.
$ git clone https://github.com/crane-hiromu/PadOSDC_Japan_App PadOSDC.swiftpm
Don't forget .swiftpm
at the end!
Navigate to the project directory.
$ cd PadOSDC.swiftpm
Install Homebrew if needed.
$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
Install LicensePlist and SwiftGen with Homebrew.
$ brew install mono0926/license-plist/license-plist
$ brew install swiftgen
$ make install
If you can't install licenseplist, please try brew install licenseplist
Generate LicensePlist file.
$ make license
Generate SwiftGen file.
$ make asset
Testing is performed using a library called PlaygroundTester.