
TCSS 305 Programming Practicum

Primary LanguageJava

Programming Practicum

Projects for TCSS 305

Project 1 - Java Unit Testing

  • Provided complete code coverage of the Circle class
  • Found and corrected a bug in the Circle class

Project 2 - Shopping Cart

  • Programmed back end (model)
  • Implemented 3 classes to complete the shopping cart program: Item, ItemOrder, ShoppingCart

Project 3 - Easy Street

  • Coded the parent AbstractVehicle and Vehicle sub classes
  • Coded unique behavior for each vehicle

Project 4 - Snap Shop

  • Coded the graphical user interface (GUI) for an application that displays and manipulates images
  • Added GUI buttons for each image processing function
  • Wrote functional Open, Save, and Close buttons

Project 5 - Power Paint

  • Programmed a basic paint application
  • Coded GUI with full menu that provides a variety of options such as brush color
  • User can draw with the following tools: Pencil, Line, Rectangle, Ellipse
  • Correctly implemented Observer Design Pattern
  • Correclty implemented Model View Controller Design Pattern

Project 6 - Tetris

  • Coded complete front end
  • Correctly implemented Observer Design Pattern
  • Correclty implemented Model View Controller Design Pattern