
A simple web chat based on node.js that uses a .txt file to save the messages.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Version 2.2.1

The send.js sends the message (using jQuery Ajax) to server.js that writes it, including HTML Tags, into chat.txt. refresh.js loads the content of chat.txt one time a second into the div #chat.


Because the chat uses node.js (http://nodejs.org/) to receive the messages and append them to chat.txt, you have to install node and then execute the file server.js with it. You also find a PHP based version of the chat at http://github.com/luisgerhorst/chat .

  1. Install node.js, you find a guidance for Mac, Windows, Ubuntu and a few more systems on http://github.com/joyent/node/wiki/Installing-Node.js-via-package-manager

  2. Download the chat and navigate to it's directory.

  3. Open send.js in a text editor, change 'http://luisgerhorst.de:8002/' to your server's domain and save the file. (For example if your domain is 'http://alf.me/' you have to change it to 'http://alf.me:8002/'.)

  4. Open the command line and navigate to the chat's directory, then execute server.js with node by typing "nohup node server.js &" and you're done! (If you just type "node server.js", the process stops when you close the Terminal.)


If you don't want all older entries from my chat (http://chat.luisgerhorst.de/) appear in your one, just delete the whole content of chat.txt.


If you've started the chat with "nohup node server.js &", everything you would have seen on the command line is added to nohup.out (in the chat's folder). Very helpful if there's an error or something.

If you want to stop the chat, you can get it's PID by typing "ps aux", search the process with the command "node server.js", and write "kill -s 15 PID-OF-NODE-WRITE-JS" (if the PID is 1267, you have to type "kill -s 15 1267").

If you use the chat regularly, you can add ?name=[your name] to the chat's URL so your name is automatically added into the Name field. Example URL: http://chat.luisgerhorst.de/?name=Alf

If your webspace doesn't supports node.js or you're just a PHP fanboy, you can get the older, PHP based version of the chat on http://github.com/luisgerhorst/php-chat