
Blender Import-Export add-on for Unreal .T3D files.

Primary LanguagePython


Import-Export add-on for old UnrealED .T3D files.


This requires at least Blender 3.3 LTS.

Download the latest release.
Blender: Edit > Preferences > Add-ons > Install...
In the open file dialog, select the archive and press "Install Add-on".
Blender will automatically fill the filter, otherwise the addon should appear in the list as "Import-Export: Import and export old Unreal .T3D format".


The add-on adds the following menu items:

File > Import > Import Unreal .T3D (.t3d)
File > Export > Export Unreal .T3D (.t3d)
Object > Export T3D to clipboard to paste directly selected mesh(es) into the clipboard.


  • Unreal uses larger units than Blender, so you might need to adjust camera clip when importing large maps. Image
  • In addition, Blender's axes are oriented differently compared to UnrealEd (X and Y are switched), so you should expect to see imported objects appear mirrored.
  • If you want to use UT texture in Blender, see texturing.