🧠 Painting with Brainwaves

👩‍🏫 Synaptech demo

Discover the secrets inside your brain as we track its electrical activity in real time, translate it into meaningful patterns, and use it to create stunning art. Then, test your knowledge in a friendly competition for a chance to win some cool prizes!

Synaptech is a neuroengineering focused RSO, welcome to any and all majors.

⚙️ Instructions to run app

  1. Turn on your Muse device.
  2. Open Petal Metrics and start the LSL stream.
  3. Run the Julia fractals visualizations by running app.py.
  4. Run the DALL E visualizations by running app2.py.
  5. Try changing the way the art is generated. Consider changing the way fractals/colors are generated for Julia fractals, or how the original prompt is incorporating brainwave data for DALL E.
  6. Don't forget to share your observations and artwork in the Padlet!

Sample Julia fractals "painting":
screenshot of Painting with Brainwaves app, a colorful image of Julia fractals on a blue and white background

Sample DALL E "painting":
screenshot of Painting with Brainwaves app, an image of a woman sitting in a meadow with her eyes closed, on a blue and white background

Another sample DALL E "painting":
screenshot of Painting with Brainwaves app, an image of a cartoon-style fire and lightning, on a blue and white background

Another cool site to play around with is eegedu.com. You do not need a 3rd party application (like Petal) to try this!

Code by Catherine Rasgaitis, with adapted utility functions from the Muse LSL repo.