
Point of Sale on Laravel & React

Primary LanguagePHP

Point of Sale in Laravel

The original project was created by angkosal/laravel-pos. And Abandoned. Thanks to him for his great job.



For system requirements you Check Laravel Requirement

Clone the repository from github.

git clone https://github.com/crashmaster35/laravelPOS.git [YourDirectoryName]

The command installs the project in a directory named YourDirectoryName. You can choose a different directory name if you want.

Install dependencies

Laravel utilizes Composer to manage its dependencies. So, before using Laravel, make sure you have Composer installed on your machine.

cd YourDirectoryName
composer install

Config file

Rename or copy .env.example file to .env 1.php artisan key:generate to generate app key.

  1. Set your database credentials in your .env file
  2. Set your APP_URL in your .env file.


  1. Migrate database table php artisan migrate
  2. php artisan db:seed, this will initialize settings and create and admin user for you [email: admin@gmail.com - password: admin123]

Install Node Dependencies

  1. npm install to install node dependencies
  2. npm run dev for development or npm run build for production

Create storage link

php artisan storage:link

Run Server

  1. php artisan serve or Laravel Homestead
  2. Visit localhost:8000 in your browser. Email: admin@gmail.com, Password: admin123.
  3. Online demo: pos.khmernokor.com

Locale translations

Locale translations to any language, just need to duplicate the resources/lang/en folder to the language you want and then translate only the text on the array. Change on the .env file (for now) to the locale you want and ready. will be in the languate you need.

Locale colaborators

If you want to colaborate, just need to:

  1. Create a issue called for example "Translate to Frech" or "Translate to Japanese" or whatever you want.
  2. Create a branch called: feat/translate-to-... (feat/translate-to-french for example).
  3. Translate the files and push to the branch
  4. Make a pull request.
  5. After I review it, I will merge to master.

Please try to maintain your translations up to date when the sistem continue growing.


Product list

Product list

Create order

Create order

Order list

Order list

Customer list

Customer list