
Opinionated dotfiles

Primary LanguageShell


Simple, opinionated dotfiles.


Sync dotfiles to $HOME and backup files that are replaced to directory backup.

./dotfiles sync


├── .config
│   ├── iterm
│   │   └── Dev.json
│   ├── rsync
│   │   └── exclude.txt
│   └── zsh
│       └── custom
│           ├── alias.zsh
│           └── keybindings.zsh
├── .p10k.zsh
├── .profile
├── .zprofile
├── .zshenv
└── .zshrc


XDG Base Directory

ZSH Startup Files

~/.profile Environment variables for all shells (e.g., ZSH and BASH).

~/.zshenv Environment variables that should never change. Sourced on every invocation of the shell.

~/.zprofile Environment variables for login shells.

~/.zshrc Environment for interactive shells.

~/.p10k.zsh Z Shell prompt.

~/.config/iterm/Dev.json Iterm profile settings.

~/.config/zsh/custom Directory for environment variable ZSH_CUSTOM which stores custom zsh files and plugins.

~/.config/rsync/exclude.txt General exclude file for rsync. Only contains .DS_Store

Configure your git

Globally set your config or .gitconfig file.

git config --global --edit

Inside your repo, locally set your config.

git config --edit