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Primary LanguageShell

Holberton School - Simple Shell_v2:

Table of contents


shell is a UNIX command interpreter that replicates core functionalities of the sh shell. Through this project we recoded shell as exercise of Holberton School.

Installation and Compilation

To get this project up and running locally on your computer:

  1. Clone the repository with the code:
git clone https://github.com/guenoel/holbertonschool-shell_v2.git
  1. Then to compile you can use one of these two methods.
gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic *.c -o hsh
make hsh


  • The usage of this program is exactly like sh. The shell can run in either interactive or non-interactive mode.
  • Compile the code by the command 'make hsh', and you launch this program by './hsh'.
  • Function returns with the specified exit status. compile


The shell handles command line input, including arguements. In addition to running executables in the PATH, the following features are currently implemented. This program is coded under the restriction that only the following standard library functions are allowed to be used. The allowed functions:

access, chdir, close, execve, fork, stat (__xstat), lstat (__lxstat), fstat (__fxstat), kill, open, read, signal, wait, waitpid, wait3, wait4, write, _exit, dup, dup2, pipe, unlink, time, gethostname, geteuid, sigaction, sigemptyset, select, getpid, __errno_location (errno macros), closedir, exit, free, getcwd, getline, malloc, opendir, perror, readdir, strtok, localtime, getpwuid, isatty, printf, fflush, fprintf, vfprintf, sprintf

Builtin Commands Functionality
exit Exit shell
env Print list of current environment variables
setenv Set an environment variable
unsetenv Unset an environment variable
cd Change directories
Handle Redirections Functionality
< Redirect input
> Redirect output
<< Append input (heredoc)
>> Append output
Handle Separator Functionality
; The commands separator
Handle Operator Functionality
&& The logical operator
|| The logical operator

Example of use

  • This shell takes input the same as a standard unix shell. After running the executable hsh, enter desired input and press return.
  • ls -l
  • exit
  • cd -



You can also redirect:






This is open-source, free to download and use without permissions.