The CrateDB Kubernetes Operator provides a convenient way to run CrateDB clusters inside Kubernetes.
- 9
Handing out topology information to CrateDB clients
#170 opened by amotl - 0
- 0
Support only CrateDB versions >= 4.2.0
#130 opened by chaudum - 0
Revisit default cluster wide settings
#145 opened by chaudum - 0
- 0
Document example custom resources
#72 opened by MarkusH - 0
Remove dependency on external backup tooling
#46 opened by MarkusH - 0
Troubleshooting guide
#54 opened by MarkusH - 0
Add a feature and non-feature list
#55 opened by MarkusH - 0
Replace sql-exporter with Kopf timer
#35 opened by MarkusH - 0
Add Prometheus infrastructure with basic metrics
#45 opened by MarkusH - 2
Operator throws error that it cannot find StatefulSet
#370 opened by rgelsi - 1
Kubernetes Crash pod - Failed to resolve '_cluster._tcp.crate-discovery-my-cluster.default.svc.cluster.local.'
#666 opened by Nyuuk - 4
No Azure Zone: Crate Cannot Start
#660 opened by yannic-hamann-abb - 2
Using TCP keepalive on Azure
#117 opened by amotl - 1
chroot not permitted with cri-o
#620 opened by hlcianfagna - 3
Add configuration option for Crate deployment to specify if internal-only or internet facing
#510 opened by robd003 - 4
cluster_update Handler Failures
#460 opened by remear - 1
- 6
Issue with elasticsearch exception
#514 opened by etiennejournet - 1
test issue
#509 opened by SStorm - 0
Test issue
#506 opened by SStorm - 2
Only 1 node started when 5 requested
#498 opened by robd003 - 4
Publish arm64 Builds to Dockerhub
#495 opened by robd003 - 1
Not enough permissions to watch for resources
#459 opened by remear - 2
License Alternatives
#357 opened by remear - 0
Add templates for new issues / bug reports / ...
#71 opened by MarkusH - 1
- 0
Evaluate to use microk8s in GitHub Actions
#76 opened by MarkusH - 2
persistentvolumeclaims is forbidden: cannot set blockOwnerDeletion if an ownerReference refers to a resource you can't set finalizers on
#300 opened by nwsm - 1
Upgrade to recent version of Kopf
#217 opened by amotl - 4
Operator fails to down-scale cluster because of "asynchronous connection attempt underway"
#100 opened by chaudum - 2
- 5
CrateDB Community Edition
#154 opened by OzySky - 2
Make `CLUSTER_BACKUP_IMAGE` configuration optional
#109 opened by chaudum - 2
- 0
Improve handler idempotence
#48 opened by MarkusH - 7
Rolling update strategy with graceful shutdown feature
#127 opened by amotl - 2
- 0
Make README awesome ...
#64 opened by chaudum - 0
- 0
- 2
- 0
- 1
Make CrateDB Kubernetes Operator Open Source
#63 opened by MarkusH