
Hello and welcome to the CrateDB Cloud Frontend Engineer take-home coding exercise.

You are looking at a very basic bootstrapped React application that mimics a feature of the actual CrateDB Cloud console - the ability to display pricing information for a CrateDB cluster configuration based on the parameters that the user selects.

The user is able to select a cloud region, the name of the product (which is basically a CPU+RAM combo) and the number of nodes that the cluster should be deployed with.

Getting started

$ git clone ...
# If you don't use nvm you can skip this part, but make sure you use node v20.
$ nvm use
$ npm install
$ npm start

The challenge

This simple application has a single component - the DeployPage. The component has the HTML and CSS already written for you. It takes the following parameters:

  • A list of regions
  • A list of products
  • An object containing pricing information for products based on regions.
  • An onSubmit handler (you won't need to change this)

Your job is twofold

  • Implement logic to calculate and display the correct price based on the region, product and nodes combination that the user has selected. (hint: the prices passed to the DeployPage component are per-node prices)
  • Develop a Testing Library test suite to test that the correct prices are being calculated.

Some products have region-specific prices and some do not - in which case they should use the default price for that product.

Acceptance Criteria

  • The Deploy Page shows the default price for products that do not have a region-specific price
  • The Deploy Page shows region-specific prices for products that do have them
  • Changing the number of nodes adjusts the price accordingly (i.e. 3x nodes = 3x the price)
  • The number of nodes can only be adjusted to the maximum that is defined for that product

Non-functional requirements

  • Testing Library component tests for the code are implemented (npm test)
  • The linter is run before the code is submitted (npm run lint -- --fix)

How to submit

Please take a git diff of all your changes and send them to us in a GitHub Gist (private) or by email.

Please do not open pull requests against this repo. Doing so will immediately invalidate your assignment. Sorry.

⚡ Good luck with your solution, we look forward to seeing it.