
Ingesting data into CrateDB with Azure Event Hub and Azure Functions

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Developer Blueprint - CrateDB with Azure Functions


This repository gives an example on how to ingest data into CrateDB when the data is sent to an Azure Event Hub. This example uses VS Code and Azure Functions for this.


1. CrateDB Setup

1.1. Starting a CrateDB Instance

The easiest way to setup CrateDB is using Docker. Run the following command in the shell:

docker run -p "4200:4200" crate

This starts a CrateDB Instance running on the local machine using the following ports:

Psql      :
Http      :
Transport :

For further information you can visit the CrateDB Documentation.

1.2. Creating Table in CrateDB

For the included example script index.js to work properly we need to create a matching table in the database. The following SQL statement can be copied into the SQL Console.

CREATE TABLE "doc"."raw_data" (
    "payload" OBJECT(DYNAMIC)

Note: When the CrateDB Instance is created with the command above the SQL Console can be reached via http://localhost:4200/#!/console. Otherwise the url and port have to be replaced with the correct values.

The table only contains one column ("payload") of type OBJECT(Dynamic) (See here for more Information on the Object data type). This enables the script to directly insert incoming events from the Azure Event Hub into the table.

2. Setting up Event Hub

Follow this guide to create an Event Hub in Microsoft Azure.

3. Setting up Azure Function

In this example we will setup an Azure Function locally. To publish the function to Azure after it has been created please refer to this guide.

3.1. Creating Azure Function project

  • Create a new empty folder on your computer.
  • Open this folder in VS Code. This can be done from the terminal by navigating to this folder and entering code ..
  • In VS Code open the Command Palette (Mac: CMD + SHIFT + P, others: CTRL + SHIFT + P) and type Azure Sign In.
    • Confirm with by pressing Return and a browser window will open where you have to log into Microsoft Azure. This must be done with an account which has access to the Azure Subscription where you created the Event Hub in 2. Setting up Event Hub.
  • Open the Command Palette again and type Azure Functions Create New Project and confirm by pressing Return.
  • In the popup choose the folder you created as the project folder.
  • Choose Javascript as the project language (you can choose other languages but this repository provides example code for Javascript).
  • Choose Azure Event Hub trigger as trigger for the project. Next you can choose a name for the Azure Function e.g. "CrateDBIngest".
  • Choose Create new local app setting.
  • Choose the Azure Subscription you chose in 2. Setting up Event Hub.
  • Choose the Event Hubs namespace you created/selected in 2. Setting up Event Hub.
  • Choose the Event Hub you created/selected in 2. Setting up Event Hub.
  • Choose the Policy you created in 2. Setting up Event Hub. If you didn't create a Policy choose the existing Policy "RootManageSharedAccessKey".
  • Choose "$Default" as the Event Hub consumer group.
  • The Azure Function project is now being created.

3.2. Setup Azure Function Project for use with CrateDB


The Azure Function project contains a folder with the name you chose for the Azure function 3.1. Creating Azure Function project. In this folder there is a index.js file. Replace the contents of this file with the contents of the index.js file of this repository.


Add "pg": "^7.14.0" to the "dependencies" property of the package.json file in the root directory of the project.


If you setup CrateDB using the example in 1.1. Starting a CrateDB Instance add "CrateConnectionString": "postgres://crate@localhost:5432" at the bottom of the "Values" property in the local.settings.json file in the root directory of the project.

If you use a CreateDB hosted somewhere else please change the values accordingly.

3.3. Run and Debug Azure Function locally

Press F5 to run the Azure Function. When running for the first time you should get a popup saying you must select a storage account:

  • Choose Select storage account.
  • Choose the Azure Subscription you chose in 2. Setting up Event Hub.
  • Create a new storage account or select an existing one
  • The storage account will automatically be added to your local.settings.json file.

You can now debug the Azure Function by setting Breakpoints in the index.js file. For more information on debugging visit the VS Code Documentation.

4. Generating events

To generate events this guide can be used. The Azure Function and database table presented in this repository can handle any JSON object sent as event. E.g.:

        "id": 1,
        "voltage": 240,
        "current": 5,
        "power": 1000
    "timestamp": "2020-02-20 20:20:20"

This is saved to the database table "raw_data" in the "payload" column:

payload: Object
    drive: Object
        current: 5
        id: 1
        power: 1000
        voltage: 240
    timestamp: 2020-02-20 20:20:20


This project is primarily maintained by Crate.io, but we welcome community contributions!

See the contribution docs for more information.


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