
Primary LanguageC


simple language for learning purposes, originally conceived as an interface for https://github.com/crawdaddie/yalce audio library

bootstrapped in C (self-hosting way out of scope for now)

uses the LLVM C API to compile to native code via a JIT compiler


let m = fn (val) {
  match val
  | 1 -> 1 
  | 2 -> 2
  | _ -> -1


# extern fn declaration matches printf from <stdio.h>
let printf = extern fn (str input) int
# extern functions must be explicitly typed

let println = fn (input) void {

let fib = fn (n) {
    match n
    | 0 -> 0
    | 1 -> 1
    | _ -> fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)



# type declaration
type Point = struct (
  double x,
  double y,

let Point x = (
  x = 2.0,
  y = 1.0,


  • LLVM (after installing llvm you may need to add the llvm headers & libraries to your CPATH & LIBRARY_PATH)

compile ylc

mkdir -p build && make


  • as repl: ./build/lang
  • with file input: ./build/lang test.ylc
  • with both: ./build/lang test.ylc -r (runs the input file before starting the repl in the same environment)

compile .ylc to executable

use the ./ylcc script to compile an .ylc source file to executable

  • compile source: ./ylcc <example>.ylc
  • ./ylcc script will compile a source file to LLVM IR bitcode, emit an object file with llc and finally link with clang
  • the resulting executable will be named just <example>

run tests

make build/test_parser

make build/test_codegen


  • REPL (./build/lang -r)
  • C ffi capability using extern keyword
  • passing callbacks from ylc to C functions
  • closures
  • custom type declarations / type aliases
  • structs
  • import statements (no namespaces yet, symbols are dumped into the calling module)
  • simple type-checking / inference before codegen


  • assign result of function calls / instructions to global vars
  • tuple dynamic index addressing
  • arrays
  • more sophisticated pattern-matching
  • currying
  • namespaced modules