
An attempt to collaborate with non-coders on my ADHD bootcamp docs

Crawford's ADHD Management Bootcamp

My name's Crawford. I'm thirty years old and have severe Adult ADHD that's poorly managed, at best. I take medication and it works; this file wouldn't exist if it didn't.

But pills can't undo decades of bad habits that now exist in my brain as hard-wired neural pathways, so I'm developing this personal management system with the help of my parents & some friends.

These documents are to help them collaborate with me on files that aren't yet supported by Google Drive or its app store. This repo will be cloned into my Dropbox and then shared with them. They can make whatever modifications they like and I can push to the Github repo when I notice the update. (as suggested here: http://wilmsmann.fullmontymedia.com/2012/12/23/collaborating-with-github-and-dropbox/)


  • Detect updates in Dropbox from other users & automatically push.
  • Detect new commits on Github & automatically pull into Dropbox.