
GMS2 Controller Boilerplate setup because let's face it. Yoyo's docs suck, and Reddit and Google aren't helpful.

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GMS2 Controller Boilerplate setup. Use in your projects. FYI you can get this all in code-format from controller.txt in this repo. Read on for the pretty version.

I made this because:

So, here's a no-frills full-mapping of a whole Xbox controller that functions well. While I still have patience for Yoyo, I'll do things like this, but I'm close to jumping ship after I found my app with no network functionality was phoning-home to Yoyo.

Set your analog tolerance

analog_tolerance = 0.6

Analog Left

// Analog Left Check for 8 different positions (including diagonal)

al_right_up = (l_horizontal_axis > analog_tolerance && l_vertical_axis < -analog_tolerance) 
al_right_down = (l_horizontal_axis > analog_tolerance && l_vertical_axis > analog_tolerance)
al_left_up = (l_horizontal_axis < -analog_tolerance && l_vertical_axis < -analog_tolerance) 
al_left_down = (l_horizontal_axis < -analog_tolerance && l_vertical_axis > analog_tolerance) 
al_right = (l_horizontal_axis > analog_tolerance)
al_left = (l_horizontal_axis < -analog_tolerance) 
al_up = (l_vertical_axis < -analog_tolerance)
al_down = (l_vertical_axis > analog_tolerance) 
al_push = gamepad_button_check_pressed(0,gp_stickl) // L3

Analog Right

ar_right_up = (r_horizontal_axis > analog_tolerance && r_vertical_axis < -analog_tolerance) 
ar_right_down = (r_horizontal_axis > analog_tolerance && r_vertical_axis > analog_tolerance)
ar_left_up = (r_horizontal_axis < -analog_tolerance && r_vertical_axis < -analog_tolerance) 
ar_left_down = (r_horizontal_axis < -analog_tolerance && r_vertical_axis > analog_tolerance) 
ar_right = (r_horizontal_axis > analog_tolerance)
ar_left = (r_horizontal_axis < -analog_tolerance) 
ar_up = (r_vertical_axis < -analog_tolerance)
ar_down = (r_vertical_axis > analog_tolerance) 
ar_push = gamepad_button_check_pressed(0,gp_stickr) // R3


key_dpad_u = gamepad_button_check_pressed(0,gp_padu);
key_dpad_d = gamepad_button_check_pressed(0,gp_padd);
key_dpad_l = gamepad_button_check(0,gp_padl);
key_dpad_r = gamepad_button_check(0,gp_padr);

Face Buttons

key_x = gamepad_button_check_pressed(0,gp_face3) // X
key_y= gamepad_button_check_pressed(0,gp_face4) // Y
key_b = gamepad_button_check_pressed(0,gp_face2); // B
key_a = gamepad_button_check_pressed(0,gp_face1); // A

Face Buttons Off

key_x_off = gamepad_button_check_released(0,gp_face3) // X
key_y_off = gamepad_button_check_released(0,gp_face4) // Y
key_b_off = gamepad_button_check_released(0,gp_face2); // B
key_a_off = gamepad_button_check_released(0,gp_face1); // A

Shoulder Buttons

key_l1 = gamepad_button_check_pressed(0,gp_shoulderl); // L1
key_r1 = gamepad_button_check_pressed(0,gp_shoulderr); // R1
key_l2 = gamepad_button_check_pressed(0,gp_shoulderlb); // L2
key_r2 = gamepad_button_check_pressed(0,gp_shoulderrb); // R2

Shoulder Buttons Off

key_l1_off = gamepad_button_check_released(0,gp_shoulderl); // L1
key_r1_off = gamepad_button_check_released(0,gp_shoulderr); // R1
key_l2_off = gamepad_button_check_released(0,gp_shoulderlb); // L2
key_r2_off = gamepad_button_check_released(0,gp_shoulderrb); // R2



key_select = gamepad_button_check_pressed(0,gp_select)
key_start = gamepad_button_check_pressed(0,gp_start)

//and dont even think of mapping the crap X button, Microsoft's invasive branding experience has ruined that button.