
Adversarial Attacks of Convolutional Neural Networks in High Energy Physics. Imperial BSc Physics Project

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Getting started

The class ParticleClassifier is written to aid in all aspects: from preparation of data to evaluating the attack on the model. x and y represent the pre-processed images and labels respectively. Each data set has 3 versions: train, test and attacked. If no data sets are explicitly passed into them, most functions would execute into the data set in the class that makes most sense. Most functions return self so functions can be chained. An example of building a model and evaluating an attack is shown:

classifier = ParticleClassifier()\ 
            # Instantiates the class
            # Saves data into self.images and self.labels
            # Splits images and labels into self.images_train and self.images_test
            .pre_proc_images(train=True, test=True, attacked=False, filters=False, rescale=True)\
            # Possible data sets to execute on are train, test and attacked
            # Possible pre-processing steps are min-max rescaling and filtering (Median + Gaussian)
            .one_hot_encode_labels(train=True, test=True)\
            # Applies one hot encoding. Same data sets as above
            # Train the model. Alternatively, load a model (see below).
            # Loads a pre-trained model. Remove train_model().
            # Evaluate model in terms of precision and recall
            .apply_attack(classifier.add_hot_area, size=(2,2), value=value)\
            # Applies attack, given as a function, to images_test -> images_attacked. Further arguments are passed on
            # to attack function. E.g. classifier.add_hot_area(images, size=(2,2), value=value) in this case.
            # Attack function should return images in the same format after executing attack on them.
            .pre_proc_images(attacked=True, filters=False)\
            # Pre-process the attacked images
            # One hot encode the labels of attacked images
            # Get precision and recall values for attacked predictions against non-attacked predictions.


This project explores adverserial attacks on a convolutional neural network classifier built to identify particles from particle detector outputs.


Data is given in a csv file with each line containing the class followed by a 50 x 50 image. 3 classes are present: 0 for no particle, 1 for electron, and 2 for muon. Background noise is of a Gaussian nature.


The CNN built was able to achieve an accuray of around 0.98. Precision and recall values were above 0.96 for each class.


The following attacks have been attempted:

  • Electronic Noise:
    • Dead Channel: Value of pixel set to 0
    • Hot Channel: Value of pixel set to 2 times of max of image
    • Salt and Pepper: Pairs of dead and hot pixels
    • Gaussian Noise: Add Gaussian distributed values
  • Background Radiation:
    • Single Low-Energy Neutron: Value of a group of 4 pixels set to between mean and max
  • Physical Effects:
    • Space Charge: Gaussian kernel applied to image, followed by noise replenishment


EDA.ipnyb: Exploring data and CNN built (Shawn) Analysis.ipnyb: Attacks including single pixel, neutron radiation (Shawn)

First Attack.ipnyb: Suhasan