
Java program that tracks daily calories and stores them into mySQL database

Primary LanguageJava


CalCount is a basic calorie tracking java app that prompts the user with three options.

  1. Create new file

  2. Edit existing file

  3. View existing file

  4. Create new file -prompt user to enter date -create file with the name of date entered -Call addFood -prompt user for name of food -creates Calorie object and assigns it a name -prompt user for calories -assigns calories to the Calorie object -writes calorie object data to file -prompt user to 1) Enter more items 2) Exit

            1) Enter more items
              - recall addFood
              - close file and exit
  5. Edit existing file -prompt user for date to modify -import file data and display -prompt user to select item to 1) modify 2) create new item

         1) Modify
           -prompt user to enter item to modify 
             -prompt user to 
               1) edit item calories
                 -prompt user for new calories
                 -write calories to object 
               2) delete item
             -prompt user to 
               1) make another edit
               2) exit
                 1) Make another edit
                   -Edit existing file
                 2) Exit
                   -close file and exit
         2) Create new item
             -recall addFood