
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Next.js, blitz, react and zod with final form.

npm i

# setup dev environment
blitz dev

# build app


Production will be done on the develop branch, and merged into the main branch

Husky will take care of database updates on commit

blitz build will run on push to main branch

Branches are created from develop

And PR's are merged back into develop

A full build is done once it's merged into main

Test Accounts

Login using this account with username tester http://localhost:3000/auth/login

tester@gmail.com welcome123

Profile Page http://localhost:3000/tester

Dashboard Page http://localhost:3000/dashboard

Signup http://localhost:3000/auth/signup


Subscription Page

// TODO: subscription

// TODO: add stripe subscriptions // https://stripe.com/docs/billing/subscriptions/coupons

// https://www.mohammadfaisal.dev/blog/how-to-create-a-stripe-subscription-with-reactjs-and-nodejs // https://stripe.com/docs/billing/subscriptions/build-subscriptions?ui=checkout

// PHASE I // 1. Subscription Page // https://github.com/stripe-samples/checkout-single-subscription

// PHASE II // 1. // TODO: coupon code // 2. easy to change subscription, with a modal showing pricing tables component //

// Followed at first // https://www.mohammadfaisal.dev/blog/how-to-create-a-stripe-subscription-with-reactjs-and-nodejs

pricing tables

Linked to sub page


apps page


User Box, icons, drop down user

Apps Page

individual GA analytics

Fix error with state

udpate react redux to 8, and fix startup error

redux-persist failed to create sync storage. falling back to noop storage. problem with action { type: '@@redux/INITr.o.o.s.s' }

Also store state in local storage

// TODO: endAdornment with if else condtional instead of state

Keep in mind, the state variables are built. I just need the upgrade, and some modifications to the files.

Also, cleanup to stop the state from running a bunch of times

Fix Sidepanel State https://github.com/ameshkin/subgrow/blob/b535280ad63dc7c530b80bb0cafc3935da903fb8/src/components/template/SidePanel/ProfileDesignPanel.js

add loaders

dash, login, sign up forms, middle of screen


# https://blitzjs.com/docs/deploy-heroku
heroku logs --app=subgrow --tail

# find port and kill
lsof -i :3000
kill -9 <PID>

# run typescript linter

npx tsc

# https://www.npmjs.com/package/fb-react-sdk

# most recent node

nvm install 18
nvm use 18
nvm alias default

ANALYZE=true npm run build

heroku config:set SESSION_SECRET_KEY=


SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;  -- turn off foreign key checks
TRUNCATE TABLE User;  -- truncate tables
SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;  -- turn on foreign key checks

// TOdo: bug with session and Session table. needs to delete if user is deleted, or user logs out

// TODO: dashboard page, when facebook link, icon appears

Check Widget

Finish the widget

Update lists

Delete button https://github.com/ameshkin/subgrow/blob/324456f1cf466f438c1fda5142b295d08c57ff4e/src/components/dashboard/LinkListCard.tsx

Hello there. I need some help with a blitz/next js website. Mostly minor UI things that have to do with material UI and connecting it to the database.

Such as drag drop.

Most of the work is done. I just need someone to finish the mutations.

I will point you directly to the code, and it should be very easy.


Remember Me Check

Store remember me in local storage


removed babel, may not be needed https://blog.bitsrc.io/why-you-should-replace-babel-with-swc-in-next-js-7d47510d0e0d

"presets": ["next/babel"],
"plugins": ["preval", "macros"]


  1. FB Login

https://subgrow.herokuapp.com/auth/login You are overriding current access token, that means some other app is expecting different access token and you will probably break things. Please consider passing access_token directly to API parameters instead of overriding the global settings.



  1. Google Analytics
  2. Support
  3. Mailchimp Integration
  4. Customizable Templates
  5. Custom Backgrounds
  6. Custom Fonts/Buttons
  7. Twitter feed, fb, api services
  8. hide logo, buttons
  9. NFT Features = $10 Validation fee, user sends ETH from wallet to verify ownership
  10. Google Analytics, and some custom charts, etc
  11. Click Tracking, conversions
  12. 2FA
  13. Special Dashboard that lists all profiles, easy access, followers, basic info