A simple Object Oriented wrapper for 1001 pharmacies Restfull API, written with PHP5.
Uses 1001 Pharmacies API v1.0.
The new version of meup-api-php-client
using Composer.
The first step to use meup-api-php-client
is to download composer:
$ curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
Then we have to install our dependencies using:
$ php composer.phar install
Now we can use autoloader from Composer by:
"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": "https://github.com/1001pharmacies/meup-api-php-client"
"require": {
"1001pharmacies/meup-api-php-client": "@dev-master"
follows the PSR-0 convention names for its classes, which means you can easily integratemeup-api-php-client
classes loading in your own autoloader.
// This file is generated by Composer
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
$publicKey = '{my client id}';
$secretKey = '{my secret key}';
try {
$client = new \Meup\Api\Client\MeupApiClient($publicKey, $secretKey);
$order = $client
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// error logging ?
// This file is generated by Composer
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
$publicKey = '{my client id}';
$secretKey = '{my secret key}';
try {
$client = new \Meup\Api\Client\MeupApiClient($publicKey, $secretKey);
$pager = new \Meup\Api\Client\ResultPager($client);
$orderApiClient = $client->api(\Meup\Api\Client\Api::ORDERS);
// Lazy fetcher
$ordersPage1 = $pager->fetch($orderApiClient, 'all');
if (true === $pager->hasNext()) {
$ordersPage2 = $pager->fetchNext();
// Eager fetcher (Very slow !!! prefer lazy fetcher)
$orders = $pager->fetchAll($orderApiClient, 'all');
// Parameters
$orders = $pager->fetch($orderApiClient, 'all');
$orders = $pager->fetch($orderApiClient, 'all', array('perPage' => 5, 'page' => 2);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// error logging ?
'WARNING' : using 'all' like methods on routes with a lot a data may occur slow responses or timeout, prefer lazy fetch instead.
On paginated data you can navigate with methods :
Methods | Description |
fetch() | Fetch current data |
fetchAll() | Fetch all paginated data (Caution with big data) |
fetchFirst() | Fetch first page |
fetchLast() | Fetch last page |
fetchPrevious() | Fetch previous page |
hasPrevious() | Check if pager has previous page |
hasNext() | Check if pager has next page |
// This file is generated by Composer
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
$publicKey = '{my client id}';
$secretKey = '{my secret key}';
try {
$client = new \Meup\Api\Client\HttpClient\CachedHttpClient($publicKey, $secretKey);
// Built in one, or any cache implementing this interface:
// \Meup\Api\Client\HttpClient\Cache\CacheInterface
new \Meup\Api\Client\HttpClient\Cache\FilesystemCache('/tmp/meup-api-php-client-cache')
$order = $client->api('order')->find('1234567890');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// error logging ?
Using cache, the client will get cached responses if resources haven't changed since last time.
Specifics exceptions are available in 1001Pharmacies PHP API Client (ex: ApiNotRespondingException
/ AuthenticationException
...) so surround yours api calls with try/catch blocks.
You could find Exceptions classes in \Meup\Api\Client\Exception
See the doc
directory for more detailed documentation.
is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details