==================================================================================== Project: phpBB Web and Accessibility Standards Overhaul (phpBB WASO) UNINSTALL Based on phpbb 2.0.23 - http://phpbb.com phpBB WASO Version: 2.0.06 Date: 06 March 2008 Author: Marco Battilana - crazybat@gmail.com Crazy Bat Designs - http://crazybat.ca Notes: The overall goal of these MOD and style changes you'll be missing; - Attempting to meet the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines - Level A - Striving to validate all forum pages as XHTML 1.0 Strict - Separating structure/semantics from presentation using CSS for layout Uninstallation using EasyMOD v0.3.0 To uninstall; - Unzip the file 'phpbb-waso-2006-uninstall.zip' into your forum admin/mods directory. (ie: http://yoursite.com/forums/admin/mods/) - Log in with your administration name and password to access your Administration panel - Navigate to 'General Admin', then 'Configuration' - Next to 'Default Style', choose 'subSliver' as the style - Next to 'Override user style - Replaces users style with the default', choose 'No' - Hit 'Submit' - In the admin panel, navigate to 'Style Admin', then 'Management' - You should see 'crazybat' as one of the themes available. If so, select 'delete' - You should see 'Are you sure you want to delete this style?' Select 'Yes' - If successful, you should see 'The selected style has been removed from the database - You can now safely proceed with deleting the 'crazybat' folder and it's contents from your forum's template directory (http://yoursite.com/forums/templates/crazybat) - In the admin panel, navigate to 'MOD center', then 'Install MODs' - Enter your EasyMOD Password, then 'Access EasyMOD' - You should see in your list of 'Unprocessed MODs', you should see a listing for 'phpBB WASO UNINSTALL'. Inline with this listing, select 'Process' - You will see 'Step 1 of 3 - Processing completed successfully!'. If so, then select 'Next Step' - You will then see 'Step 2 of 3 - Proposed Database Alterations'. For this MOD, this is not applicable. Therefore, select 'Complete Installation' - You will then see 'Step 3 of 3 - Installation Complete!'. Feel free to see the list of changes to the applicable files - You can now safely delete the following files; 1. http://yoursite.com/forums/about.php 2. http://yoursite.com/forums/phpbb-waso-release-notes.txt, 3. http://yoursite.com/forums/templates/subSilver/screen-subsilver-waso.css - Your phpBB WASO is now fully uninstalled Manual preMOD Uninstallation To uninstall; - Log in with your administration name and password to access your Administration panel - Navigate to 'General Admin', then 'Configuration' - Next to 'Default Style', choose 'subSliver' as the style - Next to 'Override user style - Replaces users style with the default', choose 'No' - Hit 'Submit' - In the admin panel, navigate to 'Style Admin', then 'Management' - You should see 'crazybat' as one of the themes available. If so, select 'delete' - You should see 'Are you sure you want to delete this style?' Select 'Yes' - If successful, you should see 'The selected style has been removed from the database. - You can now safely proceed with deleting the 'crazybat' folder and it's contents from your forum's template directory. (http://yoursite.com/forums/templates/crazybat) - You can now safely delete the following files; 1. http://yoursite.com/forums/about.php 2. http://yoursite.com/forums/phpbb-waso-release-notes.txt, 3. http://yoursite.com/forums/templates/subSilver/screen-subsilver-waso.css - Unzip the file 'phpbb-waso-2006-uninstall-premod.zip' into your forum directory. (ie: http://yoursite.com/forums/) - You will be warned that files of the same name will be overwritten. Select 'Yes' to overwrite the necessary files - Back at the admin section, navigate to 'Administration' and go to 'Forum Index' - Your phpBB WASO MOD is now fully uninstalled Again, please take the appropriate caution when using these files. I have taken great care to assure quality assurance, but please remember to back up your files before installing this MOD. ==================================================================================== ==================================================================================== **Changes to the forum front-end and functionality** ==================================================================================== Revision History ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 2.0.05 - 19 December 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Incorporate phpBB 2.0.22 fixes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 2.0.04 - 24 June 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Created ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~ end of line
(For phpBB 2.0.x ONLY!) phpBB Web and Accessibility Standards Overhaul - Premod Uninstall