
Primary LanguageC++

Potty Game


The general premise is that there is a baby that needs to get through a house (or other area) to use the bathroom. On the way to the "potty", there are several obstacles including distractions, a timer on the baby's bladder holding. By using available objects and actions, the player must guide the baby to the potty before its too late.

Developer: Vincent Agriesti

Testers: Brianna Bosshard, Diana Agriesti, Mabel Agriesti, Zelda Agriesti





Design Info

This project designed to run with the Godot Game Engine v3.2. All in-game code will be written in Godot's GDScript to ensure maximum portability to multi-platforms.

How To Build

Download the source code from within this project.

Download Godot 3.2 from godotengine.com/download.

Decompress and run the Godot Engine executable

Import and open the code from this project.

To run, click the play button in the upper right of the IDE.

Project Management Process

This project uses Agile methodologies and a variant of Scrum to manage all work.

Roles & Responsibilities

Product Owner: Diana - Represents the user base and is involved in the user story generation.

Development Team: Vinnie - Primary developer and acting Scrum Master.

Current Development Process

  • Sprints will last (roughly 12 hours across) 14 calendar days starting on 2/15/2020.

  • Previous sprint review and retrospectives will occur on the first day of the next sprint.
  • Sprint planning and user story workshop will occur on the first day of the Sprint.

  • Estimations will be relative and between 1 - 10.
  • Prioritization will be based on MoSCoW (i.e. must, should, could, won't have). These will be tracked as labels in the github issue database.
  • The product backlog will be contained in GitHub: https://github.com/crazychenz/potty/issues
  • The sprint backlog will be tracked as GitHub Milestones. https://github.com/crazychenz/potty/milestones

Current Milestones:
  • Sprint 1 - The Game Shell
  • Sprint 2 - Improving user experience.
  • Sprint 3 - Minimal Viable Product and Mobility
  • Sprint 4 - Strategic Development (Developer Sprint)
  • Sprint 5 - Extended and Smoother Gameplay
  • Releases will be made at the end of each sprint. A release is composed of a tagged source code repository and a binary release of the product. Initially, all releases will be built only for Windows. Subsequent Sprints may include more platform releases. See them in the [Releases Section](https://github.com/crazychenz/potty/releases).
  • Sprint Burndown Data

Definition Of Done

  • Non-Functional Requirements Satisfied
  • Acceptance Criteria Satisfied
  • Regression Tests Passed
  • Code Committed