
cli for gitflow

Primary LanguageJavaScript



$ npm install -g @crazyfactory/gitflow


$ gitflow alias <name> <cmd>

Set <cmd> as an alias of <name> which you can run as gitflow <name>

$ gitflow set-config

Set project_name and sprint_number for current path

$ gitflow get-config

Get project_name and sprint_number for current path

$ gitflow generate-token

Fill in your Github username and password to let Gitflow create personal access token

$ gitflow remove-token

Delete personal access token locally

$ gitflow start-sprint [project] [sprintNum]

  • Create new local sprint branch
  • Branch out from origin/develop
  • Naming convention: {project_name}/sprint-{sprint_number}
  • Push to origin

$ gitflow finish-sprint

  • Switch to origin/{project_name}/sprint-{sprint_number}
  • Create pull and fill content Closes #{issue_number} to origin/develop
  • Switch local to origin/develop

$ gitflow start-feature [feature-branch]

  • Create new local feature branch
  • If project is maintenance, branch out from develop, otherwise branch out from origin/{project_name}/sprint-{number}
  • Naming convention: {project_name}-sprint-{number}/{issue_number}-{feature_name}
  • Push to origin

$ gitflow finish-feature

  • Push local branch to origin
  • If project name is maintenance create pull to develop, otherwise create pull to origin/{project_name}/sprint-{sprint_number}. Then fill content Closes #{issue_number}.
  • Switch local to origin/{project_name}/sprint-{sprint_number}

$ gitflow start-hotfix [hotfix-branch]

  • Create a new local hotfix branch
  • Branch out from origin/master
  • Naming convention: {issue_number}-{hotfix_name}
  • Push to origin

$ gitflow finish-hotfix

  • Push local branch to origin
  • Create pull and fill content Closes #{issue_number} to origin/master
  • Switch local branch to origin/master

$ gitflow soft-push

  • Create an empty commit and push it