
This wrapper around php's curl functions. PHP 5.3 compatible for sad reasons.


Via composer

composer require crazyfactory/curl



Load a page

$responseBody = (new Curl)->get('');

Sending fields

Pass in GET parameters as an array

$responseBody = (new Curl)->get($url, [
    'foo' => 'bar'

Same for POST

$responseBody = (new Curl)->post($url, [
    'foo' => 'bar'

For other methods, use call() directly.

Curl options and info

call() accept an array of CURLOPT-constants and merges these with the defaults from getDefaultOptions(). post() and get() accept this array as 3rd parameter as well.

The last argument for all of these function is a reference to the returned curl-info for fancier things.


call() will throw CrazyFactory/Curl/Exception when any error happens. It will also throw an Exception on 400+ status codes.

try {
    (new Curl)->get('');
catch (CrazyFactory/Curl/Exception $e) {
    echo "Whoops we had a {$e->getHttpCode()}!"; 