
Noosphere Data Analysis

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This is a set of notebooks with analysis of RNG event originating from Global Consciousness Project (Princenton Noosphere experiment). The article explaining this analysis is posted on Medium

How to get raw data

wget -N -r -nH --cut-dirs=1 --limit-rate=125k https://global-mind.org/data/eggsummary/wget/wget2014.html


The data for chart presented in the article is in the file results_w1_2014.pickle and code to generate the chart is in the file 2-sliding window.

After getting a raw data, start with 0_form_data notebook to reproduce.

STD for the egg should be calculated using experimental data, not mathematically derived (you can see both attempts in code) - this is due to XOR algorithm used in the RNGs - it tradesoff bias of 0.5 into bias of STD - read the discussion of GCP website.


  1. This is quite RAM hungry. If you are OOMing - make sure there is enought swap and reduce number of parallel workers. Some parts of data analysis take hours. This is Python ;-)
  2. Sorry for code quality, this is side project ;-)

Reaching out

I would love to discuss this. Reach me out on twitter - @crazyleg11