Property Wrappers for custom serialization of Swift Codable Types
A collection ofMove your Codable and (En/De)coder customization to annotations!
struct YourType: Codable {
var millisecondsDate: Date
var someData: Data
var temporaryProperty
Check out this blog post for a more detailed overview.
- Declarative
- Extendable
- Declare once for all Encoders and Decoders. (e.g. JSONEncoder and PropertyListEncoder)
- Custom (de/en)coding without overriding
encode(to: Encoder)
orinit(with decoder)
for your whole Type - Multiple (de/en)coding strategies within the same and child Types
- Cross Platform
Swift 5.1+ is required to build Property Wrappers (Xcode 11) which are Backwards Deployable
Swift Package Manager
If you're working directly in a Package, add CodableWrappers to your Package.swift file
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.1.0" )),
If working in an Xcode project select File->Swift Packages->Add Package Dependency...
and search for the package name: CodableWrappers
or the git url:
Since SPM is now supported everywhere Swift 5.1 is used, there are currently no plans to support other dependency management tools. If SPM in unavailable, Git-Submodules is an option. Or feel free to submit a pull request with support added for your preference! ️️😊
Available Property Wrappers
- @OmitCoding
- @Base64Coding
- @SecondsSince1970DateCoding
- @MillisecondsSince1970DateCoding
- @DateFormatterCoding<DateFormatterStaticCoder>
- @ISO8601DateCoding
- @ISO8601DateFormatterCoding<ISO8601DateFormatterStaticCoder>
- @NonConformingFloatCoding<ValueProvider>
- @NonConformingDoubleCoding<ValueProvider>
- BoolCoding
- Additional Customization
- Property Mutability
- Only Encoding or Decoding
Other Customization
Additional Links
For a Property you want to be ignore when (en/de)coding
struct MyType: Codable {
var myText: String? // Never encodes and ignores a value if one is in decoded data.
For a Data property that should be serialized to a Base64 encoded String
struct MyType: Codable {
var myData: Data // Now encodes to a Base64 String
For a Date property that should be serialized to SecondsSince1970
struct MyType: Codable {
var myDate: Date // Now encodes to SecondsSince1970
For a Date property that should be serialized to MillisecondsSince1970
struct MyType: Codable {
var myDate: Date // Now encodes to MillisecondsSince1970
For other Date formats create a Type that adheres to the DateFormatterStaticCoder
Protocol and use the convenience @DateFormatterCoding
or @CodingUses<StaticCoder>
struct MyCustomDateCoder: DateFormatterStaticCoder {
static let dateFormatter: DateFormatter = {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "MM:dd:yy H:mm:ss"
return formatter
struct MyType: Codable {
var myDate: Date // Now encodes to the format: "MM:dd:yy H:mm:ss"
For a Date property that should be serialized using the ISO8601DateFormatter
struct MyType: Codable {
var myDate: Date // Now encodes to ISO8601
For other Date formats create a Type that adheres to the ISO8601DateFormatterStaticCoder
Protocol and use the convenience @ISO8601DateFormatterCoding
or @CodingUses<StaticCoder>
@available(macOS 10.12, iOS 10.0, watchOS 3.0, tvOS 10.0, *)
struct MyCustomISO8601DateFormatter: ISO8601DateFormatterStaticCoder {
static let iso8601DateFormatter: ISO8601DateFormatter = {
let formatter = ISO8601DateFormatter()
formatter.formatOptions = [.withInternetDateTime, .withDashSeparatorInDate]
return formatter
struct MyType: Codable {
var myDate: Date // Now encodes with MyCustomISO8601DateFormatter's formatter
When using a non-conforming Float, create a Type that adheres to NonConformingDecimalValueProvider and use @NonConformingFloatCoding<NonConformingDecimalValueProvider>
struct MyNonConformingValueProvider: NonConformingDecimalValueProvider {
static var positiveInfinity: String = "100"
static var negativeInfinity: String = "-100"
static var nan: String = "-1"
struct MyType: Codable {
var myFloat: Float // Now encodes with the MyNonConformingValueProvider values for infinity/NaN
When using a non-conforming Double, create a Type that adheres to NonConformingDecimalValueProvider and use @NonConformingDoubleCoding<NonConformingDecimalValueProvider>
struct MyNonConformingValueProvider: NonConformingDecimalValueProvider {
static var positiveInfinity: String = "100"
static var negativeInfinity: String = "-100"
static var nan: String = "-1"
struct MyType: Codable {
var myFloat: Float // Now encodes with the MyNonConformingValueProvider values for infinity/NaN
Sometimes an API uses an Int
or String
for a booleans.
struct MyType: Codable {
var myBool: Bool // Now encodes/decodes as a String. `"true"` for `true` and `"false"` for `false`. (Values are lower-cased before decoding)
struct MyType: Codable {
var myBool: Bool // Now encodes/decodes as an Int. `1` for `true` and `0` for `false`.
Additional Customization
The architecture was built with extensibility in mind so Implementing your own custom coding is as simple as adhering to the StaticCoder
. You can then simply add @CodingUses<YourCustomCoder>
to your property, or create a typealias
to make it cleaner: typealias YourCustomCoding = CodingUses<YourCustomCoder>
In fact all the included Wrappers are built the same way!
Full Example
struct NanosecondsSince9170Coder: StaticCoder {
static func decode(from decoder: Decoder) throws -> Date {
let nanoSeconds = try Double(from: decoder)
let seconds = nanoSeconds * 0.000000001
return Date(secondsSince1970: seconds)
static func encode(value: Date, to encoder: Encoder) throws {
let nanoSeconds = value.secondsSince1970 / 0.000000001
return try nanoSeconds.encode(to: encoder)
// Approach 1: CustomCoding
struct MyType: Codable {
var myData: Date // Now uses the NanosecondsSince9170Coder for serialization
// Approach 2: CustomEncoding Property Wrapper typealias
typealias NanosecondsSince9170Coding = CodingUses<NanosecondsSince9170Coder>
struct MyType: Codable {
var myData: Date // Now uses the NanosecondsSince9170Coder for serialization
Take a look at these other examples to see what else is possible.
Optional Properties
Due to the constraints of generics / property wrappers, the same StaticCoder cannot handle both Optional and non-Optional Properties.
Also the current implementation of Codable generation for a PropertyWrapper results in a MissingKey Error if the value doesn't exist when Decoding, and always encodes with a "null" object.
To handle this identically to a typical Optional Property, an OptionalStaticCoder
wrapper is available.
*NOTE* Once Property Wrapper composition is available a Composable wrapper will likely be added to handle this in a more general way.
struct MyType: Codable {
var myData: Data?
A set of convenience Property Wrappers are also available.
E.g. @MillisecondsSince1970DateOptionalCoding
, @Base64OptionalCodingMutable
, etc.
struct MyType: Codable {
var myData: Data?
Performance Implications
One additional note is that as of version 1.1.0 the custom encoding override uses Reflection to check if the value is nil. The performance hit should be negligible in most cases but if using an Optional Wrapper for large types or if encoding very large data sets you may see a meaningful performance hit.
Property Mutability
The Property a Property Wrapper wraps must be declared as a var
and the ability to mutate is defined by the Property Wrapper.
To allow flexibility all of the included Property Wrappers have a Mutable variant.
Add Mutable
to the end to access the Mutable Property Wrapper, making the Property mutable
E.g. @Base64CodingMutable
, @SecondsSince1970DateCoding
, @CustomCodingMutable<ACustomCoder>
, etc.
struct MyType: Codable {
var updatedAt: Date
var createdAt: Date
mutating func update() {
createdAt = Date() // ERROR - Cannot assign to property: 'createdAt' is a get-only property
updatedAt = Date() // Works!
Only Encoding or Decoding
Sometimes you are only able/wanting to implement Encoding or Decoding.
To enable this all of the included Wrappers have Encoding and Decoding variants
Change Coder to Encoder/Decoder or Coding to Encoding/Decoding to implement only one
E.g. @Base64Encoding
, @SecondsSince1970DateDecoding
, @EncodingUses<ACustomEncoder>
, etc.
struct MyType: Encodable {
var myDate: Date
struct MyType: Decodable {
var myDate: Date
If there's a standard Serialization strategy that could be added, please open an issue requesting it and/or submit a pull request with passing tests.