
A light weight Qr code scanner framework written in Swift.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


A light weight Qr code scanner framework written in Swift.

SwiftQrCodeScanner is a framework which has capability to scan any Qr code by using the iOS device. It's also supports the blur-overlay around the scanning area. i.e.


  • SwiftQrCodeScanner framework have QRCodeScannerViewController as core class, which responsible for opening the back camera of iOS device & scan the QR code.
  • QRCodeScannerViewControllerDelegate is responsible to send back the call-back, if QR code scan successfully done or failed.


  • MockQrCodeScanner framework, which will be mock version of SwiftQrCodeScanner. This will be helpful for unit-testing.
  • Example app with SwiftQrCodeScanner & MockQrCodeScanner.
  • Unit Test-Cases for SwiftQrCodeScanner framework.



CocoaPods is a dependency manager for CocoaProjects. To integrate RxBluetoothKit into your Xcode project using CocoaPods specify it in your Podfile:

source 'https://github.com/crazymanish/CocoaPodsSpecs.git'  #Add this source line, this library still under development.

pod 'SwiftQrCodeScanner'  #Add CocoaPods dependency for SwiftQrCodeScanner


  • QRCodeScannerViewController can be integrated with simple steps as:
/// Step1: Import SwiftQrCodeScanner framework
import SwiftQrCodeScanner

/// Step2: Create QRCodeScannerViewController instance. Recommend to have lazy instance.
lazy var scannerViewController: QRCodeScannerViewController = {
    return QRCodeScannerViewController(cancelButtonTitle: "Cancel")

/// Step3: As per requirement, Add `scannerViewController` instance as child view controller. i.e lets say on page appear, need to open QrScanner then
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

    //Set this delegate to receive Callbacks.
    self.scannerViewController.delegate = self

    //This helper method(see below in more details) add `scannerViewController` as child viewController on containerView.
    self.addChildViewController(self.scannerViewController, containerView: self.view)
  • Currently QRCodeScannerViewControllerDelegate has below callback as:
 The methods of the protocol allow the delegate to be notified when the scanner did scan result and or when the user wants to stop the scanner.
public protocol QRCodeScannerViewControllerDelegate: class {
     Notify the delegate that the scanner finished scanning a Qr code successfully.
    func scanner(_ scanner: QRCodeScannerViewController, didScanResult result: QRCodeScannerResult)

     Notify the delegate that the scanner failed to scan a Qr code.
    func scannerFailed(_ scanner: QRCodeScannerViewController)

     Notify the delegate that the user wants to stop scanner, Pressed Cancel button.
    func scannerDidCancel(_ scanner: QRCodeScannerViewController)
  • If you are wondering what is above addChildViewController: containerView api do:
//UIViewController+ChildViewController.swift file

public extension UIViewController {
     * Add ChildViewController inside specific container-view.
   public func addChildViewController(_ childViewController: UIViewController, containerView: UIView) {
        if !childViewControllers.contains(childViewController) {
            //Add ChildViewController.
            guard let childView = childViewController.view else { return}
            childViewController.didMove(toParentViewController: self)

            //Add Autolayout Constraints
            childView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
            let views: [String: UIView] = ["childView": childView]
            var visualFormatConstraints = [String]()
            containerView.addConstraints(visualFormatConstraints, metrics: nil, views: views)

     * Remove currentViewController from its parent-viewController.
   public func removeChildViewControllerFromParent() {
        willMove(toParentViewController: nil)

//UIView+Autolayout.Swift file
public func addConstraints(_ visualStringConstraints: [String],
                           metrics: [String : Any]?,
                           views: [String : Any]) {
    for visualFormat in visualStringConstraints {
        addConstraints(NSLayoutConstraint.constraints(withVisualFormat: visualFormat,
                                                                       options: [],
                                                                       metrics: metrics,
                                                                       views: views))


  • iOS 10.0+
  • Xcode 10.0+

Swift versions

  • Current version supports Swift 4.2


  • MIT