
A cross-process communication tool for sending and receiving messages on iOS 15 & 16 for rootless JBs

Primary LanguageObjective-C++MIT LicenseMIT


A cross-process communication tool for sending and receiving messages on iOS 15 & 16 for rootless JBs

What does it do?

  • Send Messages : Send a message with a value to another process .
  • Send Messages and Get a Reply : Send a message with a value to other processes and get a reply from those processes .

How does it work?

It functions as both a daemon and a library ..

Part 1 - [Poster] :

  • The application posts the message to the library, which then passes it to the daemon. The daemon stores the message in a global value .

Part 2 - [Client] :

  • The second process continuously checks the daemon for any new messages and retrieves them when found .

Header file :

@interface libxpcToolStrap : NSObject

- (NSString *) defineUniqueName:(NSString *)uname;
- (void) postToClientWithMsgID:(NSString *)msgID uName:(NSString *)uname userInfo:(NSDictionary *)dict;
- (void) postToClientAndReceiveReplyWithMsgID:(NSString *)msgID uName:(NSString *)uname userInfo:(NSDictionary *)dict;
- (void) addTarget:(id)target selector:(SEL)sel forMsgID:(NSString *)msgID uName:(NSString *)uName;
- (void) startEventWithMessageIDs:(NSArray<NSString *> *)ids uName:(NSString *)uName;

+ (instancetype) shared;

How to use it ?

For example ~ Getting UDID from SpringBoard to App ..

SpringBoard is [Client] and App is [Poster] ..

  • Add libxpcToolStrap.h to your project .
#import "libxpcToolStrap.h"

[Client] ~ SpringBoard :

void *xpcToolHandle = dlopen("/var/jb/usr/lib/libxpcToolStrap.dylib", RTLD_LAZY);
	if (xpcToolHandle) {
            libxpcToolStrap *libTool = [objc_getClass("libxpcToolStrap") shared];

  	    NSString *uName = [libTool defineUniqueName:@"com.crazymind90.uniqueName"];
            [libTool startEventWithMessageIDs:@[@"UDID_Sender"] uName:uName];
	    [libTool addTarget:self selector:@selector(handleMSG:userInfo:) forMsgID:@"UDID_Sender" uName:uName];

Target method :

-(NSDictionary *) handleMSG:(NSString *)msgId userInfo:(NSDictionary *)userInfo {

	if ([(NSString *)userInfo[@"action"] isEqual:@"getUDID"])
	  return @{@"UDID":[UIDevice.currentDevice sf_udidString] ?: @"No udid"};
	return @{};

[Poster] ~ App :

void *xpcToolHandle = dlopen("/var/jb/usr/lib/libxpcToolStrap.dylib", RTLD_LAZY);
	if (xpcToolHandle) {

	libxpcToolStrap *libTool = [objc_getClass("libxpcToolStrap") shared];
	NSString *uName = [libTool defineUniqueName:@"com.crazymind90.uniqueName"];
	[libTool addTarget:self selector:@selector(handleMSG:userInfo:) forMsgID:@"UDID_Sender" uName:uName];
	[libTool postToClientAndReceiveReplyWithMsgID:@"UDID_Sender" uName:uName  userInfo:@{@"action":@"getUDID"}];


Target method :

-(void) handleMSG:(NSString *)msgId userInfo:(NSDictionary *)userInfo {
  Alert(1,@"Got UDID : %@",userInfo[@"UDID"]);

Important ..

  • You MUST use dlopen before calling the functions .
  • UniqueName must be the same in [Poster] and [Client] .
  • Use libSandy if your msg did not reach to [Client] .

Supports ..

  • Dopamine
  • RootHide

Tested on iOS 15 & 16 :

  • arm64e
  • arm64