
Two-dimensional vector math library for JavaScript.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Two dimensional vector math library for JavaScript. Built for performance in computation-heavy real-time engines without sacrificing usability. Supports tree shaking and dead code removal to avoid bloating client-side bundles. Zero dependencies.

Getting Started

$ yarn add math2d
import { _vec, mat2dFromRotation, vecTransformBy } from "math2d";

const threeFour = _vec(3, 4);
const spin = mat2dFromRotation(Math.PI / 4);
console.log(vecTransformBy(threeFour, spin));


Box Functions

  • _box: shorthand for defining a Box from minX, minY, maxX, maxY
  • boxAlloc: Creates a new Box object in memory, with all values initialized to NaN
  • boxClone: Copies values from an existing IBox into a new box
  • boxContainsBox: Determines whether the second box is completely enclosed in the first
  • boxContainsPoint: Determines whether the box contains a given point
  • boxEncapsulate: Grows the box to include a given point
  • boxEnclosingPoints: Computes the smallest bounding box that contains all of the provided points
  • boxGetOutCode: Determines where the specified point lies in relation to the given box
  • boxGrow: Expands a box by a given amount in all directions
  • boxIntersection: Computes the area intersection of the two box regions
  • boxIntersectsBox: Determines whether two boxes overlap
  • boxIsEmpty: Determines whether this box represents an empty area
  • boxReset: Construct a new box given minX, minY, maxX, and maxY bounding values
  • boxScale: Scales a box by a fixed scalar in both directions
  • boxTransformBy: Compute the bounds of the image of this box after applying a 2D affine transformation
  • boxTranslate: Translate a box by an offset in the x- and y- directions
  • boxUnion: Compute the smallest bounding box that contains both given boxes

Intersection Result Functions

  • intersectionResultAlloc: Creates a new IntersectionResult object in memory, with all values initialized to false and NaN
  • intersectionResultClone: Copies the values from the given intersection into a new intersection object
  • intersectionResultReset: Construct a new intersection given exists, x, y, t0, and t1 values

Mat2d Functions

  • _mat2d: shorthand for defining a Mat2d from a, b, c, d, tx, ty
  • mat2dAlloc: Creates a new mat2d object in memory, with all values initialized to NaN
  • mat2dClone: Copies the values from the given matrix into a new matrix
  • mat2dDeterminant: Computes the determinant of the affine matrix
  • mat2dFromRotation: Computes the affine transform corresponding to a given rotation, in radians
  • mat2dFromTranslation: Computes the affine transform corresponding to a given (tx, ty) translation
  • mat2dIdentity: Returns the identity affine matrix, [1 0 0 1 0 0]
  • mat2dInvert: Computes the inverse of the given 2d affine matrix
  • mat2dIsOrthogonal: Returns whether the matrix is an orthogonal matrix
  • mat2dIsTranslationOnly: Returns whether the matrix corresponds to only a translation
  • mat2dMulMat2d: Computes the result of affine matrix multiplication m1 × m2
  • mat2dReset: Construct a new matrix given component values
  • mat2dRotate: Applies a rotation in radians to the given matrix, returning the result
  • mat2dScale: Applies a scaling transform on top of the given affine matrix, returning the result
  • mat2dTranslate: Applies a translation on top of the given matrix, returning the result

Nearest Point Result Functions

  • nearestPointResultAlloc: Creates a new NearestPointResult object in memory, with all values initialized to NaN
  • nearestPointResultClone: Copies the values from the given NearestPointResult into a new NearestPointResult object
  • nearestPointResultReset: Construct a new intersection given exists, x, y, t0, and t1 values

Polyline Functions

  • polylineAlloc: Creates a new Array object in memory to hold Polyline data. Its initial length is 0
  • polylineClose: Repeats the polyline's first vertex to form a closed path
  • polylineContainsPoint: undefined
  • polylineContainsPointInside: Determines whether the point is inside the given polygon, using the even-odd fill rule
  • polylineGetBounds: Computes bounding box of polyline's geometry
  • polylineGetDistanceAtT: Computes the Euclidean distance traveled along the polyline's geometry to get to the parametric point at t
  • polylineGetLength: Computes total length of polyline
  • polylineGetNumSegments: Returns the number of individual line segments in this polyline
  • polylineGetNumVertices: Returns the number of vertices in this polyline
  • polylineGetPointAtT: Computes a point along the polyline, parameterized according to linear interpolation between adjacent vertices
  • polylineGetSegment: Returns a polyline's segment by given index, starting at 0
  • polylineGetSegmentLength: Computes the length of one of a polyline's segments by index, starting at 0
  • polylineGetTAtDistance: Computes the parametric value t along the polyline corresponding to a distance d
  • polylineGetVertex: Retrieves a vertex from this polyline's geometry, starting at index 0
  • polylineIntersectRay: Computes all locations at which a polyline crosses a given ray
  • polylineIntersectSegment: Computes all locations at which a polyline crosses a given line segment
  • polylineIsClosed: Returns whether the polyline's last vertex equals its first
  • polylineNearestDistanceSqToPoint: Finds the closest the polyline comes to a given reference point
  • polylineTransformBy: Transforms a polyline by an affine matrix
  • polylineTrim: Trims a polyline to a range of its t parameter

Ray Functions

  • _ray: shorthand for defining a Ray from x0, y0, dirX, dirY
  • rayAlloc: Creates a new Ray object in memory, with all values initialized to NaN
  • rayClone: Copies the values from the given ray into a new ray
  • rayContainsPoint: Determines if the point is on the ray
  • rayGetPointAtT: Gets a point along the ray, parameterized according to distance along its direction vector
  • rayIntersectPolyline: Computes all locations at which a ray crosses a given polyline
  • rayIntersectRay: Computes the intersection point between the two rays, if it exists
  • rayIntersectSegment: Computes the intersection point between the ray and the segment, if it exists
  • rayLookAt: Constructs a ray from an initial point, pointing in the direction of a target point
  • rayNearestDistanceSqToPoint: Determines the closest the ray comes to a given reference point
  • rayProjectPoint: Projects a point onto the given line, returning the distance t along the line where it falls
  • rayReset: Construct a new ray given an (x0, y0) initial point and (dirX, dirY) direction vector
  • rayTransformBy: Transforms a ray by an affine matrix
  • rayWhichSide: Computes on which side of the ray (as a line) a given point lies

Segment Functions

  • _segment: shorthand for defining a Segment from x0, y0, x1, y1
  • segmentAlloc: Creates a new Segment object in memory, with all values initialized to NaN
  • segmentGetEndpoint0: Retrieves the starting endpoint (t = 0) of the segment, as a vector
  • segmentGetEndpoint1: Retrives the ending endpoint (t = 1) of the segment, as a vector
  • segmentGetLength: Computes the length of the line segment
  • segmentGetLengthSq: Computes the squared length of the line segment
  • segmentGetPointAtT: Gets a point along the line segment, parameterized according to linear interpolation between its endpoints
  • segmentIntersectPolyline: Computes all locations at which a line segment meets a given polyline
  • segmentIntersectRay: Computes the intersection point between the ray and the segment, if it exists
  • segmentIntersectSegment: Computes the intersection point between the two line segments, if it exists
  • segmentNearestDistanceSqToPoint: Finds the closest the segment comes to a given reference point
  • segmentReset: Construct a new line segment given an (x0, y0) starting vertex and (x1, y1) ending vertex. The two points are allowed to be the same
  • segmentReverse: Computes the reverse of the segment, i.e. swapping its starting vertex and ending vertex

Vec Functions

  • _vec: shorthand for defining a Vec from x, y
  • vecAdd: Computes the result of adding the two given vectors
  • vecAlloc: Creates a new Vec object in memory, with all values initialized to NaN
  • vecClone: Copies the values from the given vector into a new vector
  • vecCross: Computes the two-dimensional cross product of the two vectors
  • vecDistance: Computes the straight-line (Euclidean) distance between the two points
  • vecDistanceSq: Computes the squared straight-line (i.e. Euclidean) distance between the two points
  • vecDot: Computes the dot product of the two vectors, i.e. u.x * v.x + u.y * v.y
  • vecGetLength: Computes the straight-line length (i.e. Euclidean norm) of the given vector
  • vecGetLengthSq: Computes the squared straight-line length (i.e. square of the Euclidean norm) of the given vector
  • vecLerp: Performs a linear interpolation between the two vectors. The r parameter is allowed to be outside [0, 1]
  • vecNormalize: Normalizes the vector to be length 1. If the given vector is the zero-vector, this method returns (NaN, NaN)
  • vecPerp: Computes the perp of the given vector, as defined by vecPerp(a, b) = (-b, a). This is equivalent to a counter-clockwise rotation in the standard plane
  • vecReset: Construct a new vector given an x and y value
  • vecScale: Scales both coordinates of this vector by a given scalar
  • vecSubtract: Computes u - v, i.e. subtracting the second vector from the first
  • vecTransformBy: Multiplies the vector by an affine matrix