
-WorkManager, is the new Android background tasks management system came with Jetpack.

-We use work manager to run deferrable,that means capable of being post ponded background works .

-Most importantly , WorkManager provides the guarantee that the system will run the postponded task even if the app closed.

-Work manager will take care of the logic to start our work under a variety of situations,

even if the user navigate away from the app.

-Before work manager, we used Firebase Jobdispatcher, Job scheduler

And Alarm manager with Broadcast receivers to schedule tasks. Scheduling tasks was complex and time consuming.

We had to write codes to deal with a lot of constraints and requirements. But now, we have work manger.

-All we need to do is pass the task to the work manager. It will decide which scheduler to use considering the requirement And it will take care of constraints.

-If the device API level is less than 23, work manage will use a combination of BroadcastReceiver and AlarmManager.

If the device API level is 23 or higher, work manager will choose JobScheduler.

-If our task uses firebase, work manger will choose Firebase Jobdispatcher.

-Work manager offers a lot of advanced features. It Supports chained tasks.

-Work manager provides status updates as LiveData.

-It allows us to set constraints on when the task runs. Work manager uses less amount of system resources like battery power. It handles compatibility with different Android versions. It supports asynchronous tasks.

-If also supports periodic tasks. WorkManager is not for tasks that needs to be run in a “background” thread but don’t need to survive process death.For normal background tasks we don’t need work manager, we can easily use coroutines or rxjava for them.

-These are the two type of work requests we use when schedule tasks with work manager. periodic work requests and one time work requests.

-Let’s say we have an app created for a sales team. Each salesman needs to see current stock count of the products. Therefore our app should have reqular updates from the main server. So, in this case repeatedly updating stock details is a task and with work manager we can set up . this task to repeatedly run, let’s say around 30 minutes time period. That type of work requests are called periodic work requests.

-Now, let’s say we have an app created for a survey team Each member will insert new survery records including images and hit on save button to upload them to the main web server. So, in this case uploading servey details is a task. With the support of work manager,we can schedule this task to run at an approximate time considering the availability of the internet and the battery charge level of the device. This type of work requests are called one time work requests.

-These are the four basic steps of scheduling a task using work manager.Create a subclass of the Worker class. Creae a workRequest. Enque the request.And Finally get the status updates.



/** I am going to start by creating a new Android Studio Project.

Select empty activity.

Let’s name this as WorkManager. I have selected the language as Kotlin. API level as 26.

Let’s click on the finish button. Now, first of all we need to add required dependencies to use work manager

to the app level build.gradle file. We can find work manger dependencies from this page.

Let’s sync the gradle.

Now, Let’s create a worker class. This class will be executed by the work manager instance when the conditions meet.

Let’s name this as UploadWorker. This class should extend the worker class.

This is the parent class.

We need to always implement do work

function of the worker class. Let’s generate it. And this worker class has two constructor parameters.

An instance of Context and and instance of WorkerParameters.

Alt plus enter to import the class.

Then, we need to pass them to the constructor of the parent class.

Now, inside this do work function, We are support to write the code to execute the deferrable background

task. But in this lesson, our goal is to understand workmanger basics properly.

So, for now let’s just add a for loop with a log to simulate that task.

Let’s add a log.

This do work function should always return a result. Return Result dot success.

So, this is for success, if any error happen

this function should return failure result. I am going to add a try catch block for that.

Now, let’s switch to main activity. Here I am creating a new function

Private fun setOneTimeWorkRequest.


this function, I am going to write codes to tell workmanager to perform the task.

Our task is a one time work request.

We will learn about periodic work request later.

So, we need to have a oneTimeWorkRequest instance.

val oneTimeWorkRequest equals. OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder

Here we need to add the worker class we just created.

Then, Build. Next, we will use a work manager instance to perform

this task. WorkManager.getInstance

We need to pass the context here. Then Enque oneTimeWorkRequest.

Let’s rename this as uploadRequest. That’s much better.

Name is not a problem. You can add any name you like.

Now, I am going to add a button and write codes to trigger this task inside the

click listener

of it. Go to activity_main.xml file. Switch to design mode. Drag a button. Set constraints.

Let’s change the text on the button.

Change the text size and text style also.

We will use this textview later. So, let’s modify it too. I am removing the text on it.

Change the text size to 30 and text style to bold.

Ok. Now Let’s go back to main activity. Then, in this onCreate function, I am implementing the click listener

of the button.

Let’s call to the setOneTimeWorkRequest() function from here. Ok, Let’s run the app and see how this works.

Let’s open the logcat and see the results.*/

-----------------------Get status updates from Workers----------------------

For each work request , work manager allows us to get a LiveData of type WorkInfo .

WorkInfo object contains information about the work. By observing it we can determine the current status and

other information about the work.

Let me show you how to do it. To observe live data,

we need the work manager instance .

We have already use the work manager here.

So instead of invoking getInstance twice, let’s define this as a separate variable. val workManager

equals WorkManager.getInstance

Pass the applicationContext.

Now, replace this part with our new instance.

All right,

Then I am going to write codes to observe the WorkInfo. workManager

.getWorkInfoByIdLiveData here,

we need to provide the id of the work request. then observe

owner is this activity. Observer.

Here, you can see we have a WorkInfo object as it.

Then, we will display the current state of the work on the textview.

textView.text = it. You can see, various information we can get from a workInfo object.

Now, let’s run the app and see how this works.

We can see the state as Succeeded.

Actually a work has four states. BLOCKED, ENQUEUED, RUNNING and SUCCEEDED. Blocked state occurs only if

the work is blocked in a chain of works.

Work enters to ENQUEUED state as soon as the work is next in the chain of work and eligible to run.

IF there is a constraint to be met, work will have to

stay in the enqueued state. When a work is actively executing it is called

running state. After a work successfully completed, work enters to succeeded state. Actually, we

will be able to see the running state

if we increase the value in this for loop. Let’s make it 600000.

Run the app again to see how this works.

You can see the running state now.

And finally work entered to succeeded state.

So, this is how we get state updates form a work.

------------------------------Set Constraints------------------------------

When we are using workManager, most of the time, we need to write codes to run task under different specific conditions.

Work manager uses constraints provided by us to decide when the work should run.

As an example, let’s say our app has a large video file to upload to the back end server. It is a battery consuming task.

In that case we might need to specify, that the task should run only when the device is connected to the charger.

Let me show you how this works with a code example.

Let’s create a work manager constraints instance using Constraints.Builder. val constraints equals Constraints


There are a lot of constraints

we can set. For now let’s set requiresCharging as true.

Next Build()

Now, we need to add this to the OneTimeWorkRequest instance.

Before run the app, let’s check the charger settings of our emulator.

At the moment, charger connection is none and battery status is not changing.

So, if we run the app now, if our work manager constraint works properly,

work manager should not execute the task.

Let’s see how this works.

Now, I am going click on the start button.

We are not seeing any log results.

So work manager hasn’t started the background task. And our work is in the enqueued state.

Now, I am going to change the battery status form not charging to charging.

Set the charger connection as AC Charger. And battery status as charging. Did you See, as soon as we changed the battery status from not charging to charging

our task changed from enqueued state to running state.

Now, what will happen if the user exists from the app before plugin the device to a charger?

Actually, The work manager library has a local database that tracks all of the information and statuses of all of the work.

This database is what enables

WorkManager to guarantee the execution of the work even if the user exists from the app or user’s device restarts

and work gets interrupted.

Now, let’s add another constraint.

This time we are going to check the internet connection. Before add constraints for the internet connection

we need to go to AndroidManifest.xml file and app permissions to use internet.

Let’s also add a permission to ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE.


Then here

in the main activity,

all we need to do is this. setRequiredNetworkType


Now, to test this I am going to change the emulator to airplane mode.

Then networktype will be disconnected.

Let’s run the app and see how this works. As we expected

our job is in the enqueued state. Now, remove the

airplane mode.

As we intended, work moved to running state

and then to succeeded state. So, that’s how we add constraints to works.

----------------------set input and output data with work manager--------------------------

how to set input and output data with work manager.

When working with work manager,

we might need to pass some arguments to a task. To do that ,

we need to create a data object and set that data object to the request object.

Let’s create a new data object. Val data Object type is Data Let’s import the class

Equals Data dot builder.

For now let’s add just an int value as an argugment for the count value of the for loop. Here, we need to specify

a constant value as key. For that let’s create a Kotlin companion object.

Then I am defining a constant for the count value.

Now we can use it below.

Let’s add 125 for the key count. Then build.

Now, we need to add this data object to the request. Good,

now let’s go to worker class. To provide input data object work manger class has a getter function called input data. We

are going to use it here. Val count

Inputdata Dot getInt

Here we need to provide the constant key value we defined in the MainActivity.

I am inserting 0 as the default count value. Now, Let’s modify the for loop.

Let’s run this app and see how it works.

Good, our worker class receiving input data as we expected. Sometimes we need to get some return

data from a worker class. For this example I am going to write codes to send to task finished time

to the MainActivity. Actually we are doing the same steps to other side .

To get the input data from the MainActivity to worker class, we defined a constant in the MainActivity.

Now, to send output data from the worker class to the MainActivity we need to define a constant in the worker class.

Then, let’s write codes to get the finished time.

I am using SimpleDataFormat class here.

Let’s add the patten to get the time with the date.

Then, get the current date.

Import the class.

Now, let’s create a data object to send output data. val outPutData


Since we are sending the time as a string value,

this time we should use putString

Key and the value. Then build.

Now, we need to pass this as an argument to the result.

Now, let's go back to MainActivity and write codes to receive the output message.

Here, inside this observe block, we can write code to receive the returned string value.

We cannot get a returned value if the work is not finished.

So let's do a validation for that first

then get the data object.

Next, we can get the string message using the key

finally, we can display the Toast message.

Now, it’s good time to run the app and see how receiving output data from the worker class works.

Good, as we intended finished time displayed as a toast message.

So, that is how we handle input and out put data.

-----------------------chaining work--------------------------

With work manager we can sequentially and parallelly chain different tasks.

As an example, Let’s say we need to upload some images to a server.

We need to filter them first, compress them and then upload them to the server.

We already have a upload worker class.

Let me very quickly create two more worker classes for the demonstration.

I am naming this as FilteringWorker.

We can copy these codes from UploadWorker class. Change the name

We don’t need this companion object.

We don’t need input data. Let’s just set this to 300.

And I am changing this as

filtering. Let’s also remove these codes.

Now I am creating another class.

Naming this as Compressing worker.


copy paste from this class.

Change the name.

Change this to compressing .

All right. Now, let’s go back to MainActivity.

Here, let’s write OneTimeWorkRequests for our new worker classes.


This is how we chain workers.


filtering request. Then compressing request.

Then uploading request. Finally enqueue .

This has to be empty now.

So this is sequential chaining.

You can chain any number of workers using this then

function. Now, let’s run the app and see how this works.

Let’s see. These are from filtering worker.

Then compressing worker. And uploading worker.

So, chaining is working as we intended.

Now, To demonstrate paralle chainging, let’s assume we need to download some images from another server

while filtering the images in the phone.

For that I am creating a new worker classs. I am naming this as downloading worker.

Copy paste and modify the code.

Let’s make this 3000

and let’s also change the number from filtering worker to 3000.

Otherwise we might not be able to see any significant difference. Let’s create a work request instance

for our new worker.

When we are chaining parallel workers,

first we need to add them to a mutable list, Let’s create a MutableList instance of OneTimeWorkRequest.

Then add the paralle workers.

Now we should pass that list to this

beingwith function.

Now, let’s run the app and see how these new codes work. Ok,

You can see these logs from downloadrequest and filtering request have mixed. That indicates a paralle execution.

After that you can see a sequential execution for compressing and

uploading workers

as we intended.

So, that’s hwo we do chaining with work manager.

-------------------------Periodic work request----------------------

If we have a background work which is repeated periodically, we should use Periodic

Work Request.

For now, Android jetpack periodic work request has a minimum period length of 15 minutes.

I am creating a new function . Private fun


Then let’s call to it from the on click listener of the button.


I am going to create a periodicWorkRequest instance. val periodicWorkRequest equals

PeriodicWorkRequest dot builder

Let’s add downloadingWorker class we created during the previous lesson.

We have two extra parameters in this builder.

Repeat interval and the time unit of the repeat interval.

Let’s set the repeat interval as 16 minutes. For now,

Android Jetpack PeriodicWorkRequest has a minimum period length of 15 minutes. So we have to always

specify 15 minutes or more.

And here the time unit should be TimeUnit.MINUTES

Then build.

Now, let’s get a work manager instance

and enqueue this work request. WorkManager.getInstance

applicationContext then enqueue pass the work request. Now,

if we run this , downloadingWorker will run in every 16 minutes time interval. We can copy this current time

code part from this uploadWorker class and paste it here in the downloadworker class.

We can use it to test the time interval.


now let’s run the app and see how this works.

So this is the completed time.

Now, let’s wait some time and see if work manager repeating this task as we intended .

Yes, we got the second set of results after 16 minutes .

So, this is how we use work manager periodic work requests for repeating works.