Wrapper for telepresence with Bunnyshell

Known issues

  • connections from replaced container to remote container not working
  • need to handle multi container pods
  • need to handle docker extra args


python3 -m venv telepresence-demo source telepresence-demo/bin/activate

have kubectl running, connected to the cluster

install telepresence

python bunny.py telepresence_install

build the local container for "result"

docker build --platform=linux/amd64 result -t result

intercept "bunnyshell-auth" component running in "env-6mrtz3" ns, replace with "bunnyshell-auth" docker container running locally

python bunny.py intercept --environment=env-6mrtz3 --component=bunnyshell-auth --docker=bunnyshell-auth --port=5003:5003 -- --separator=+