
FPGA Additive White Gaussian Noise Generator Using the Box Mueller Method

Primary LanguageVerilog


 This project impliments the Additive White Gaussian Noise Generator described in http://www.ee.usyd.edu.au/people/philip.leong/UserFiles/File/papers/bm_tc06.pdf

AWGN_FINAL.v is AWGN.v with pipeline stages added to pass the timing constraint logp.v is log.v with pipeline stages.

AWGN.v will pass the testbench, AWGN_FINAL.v will not as the URNG outputs u1 and u0 are offset from the pipelining, though the output is still valid.

Vivado generates warnings regarding the recursive nature of the Leading Zero Detector, though these do not affect simulation. Seperate warnings are generated regarding clk and half_clk and input and output timing but these issues are with the constraint set and not the validity of the RTL.