
Ask user whether to connect to Mullvad VPN when connecting to an unknown Wi-Fi network

Primary LanguageAppleScript


All the talk of TunnelVision got me thinking about being more diligent about using a VPN when I'm on public Wi-Fi.

This makes it easy for me to do so.

The first time I connect to a Wi-Fi network, this asks me whether I want to enable Mullvad VPN (my current VPN of choice). If I click Connect, it connects me. If I click Don't Connect it then asks me if I'd like to save the current Wi-Fi network SSID to a list of known networks. If I say Yes, I'm not prompted to connect to Mullvad VPN the next time I connect to this SSID.

I also use Tailscale., so this also disables Tailscale before enabling Mullvad. Mullvad can now run simultaneously with Tailscale by adding a firewall rule using pfctl and a route for DNS using route.


  • Save unknown-wifi-connect-vpn.job.plist to ~/Library/LaunchAgents/unknown-wifi-connect-vpn.job.plist

  • Save connect-mullvad-on-unknown-network.applescript somewhere your user has permissions, e.g., ~/bin/connect-mullvad-on-unknown-network.applescript

  • Update the path to the .applescript in the .plist file

  • The AppleScript script needs to be able to run route and pfctl using sudo non-interactively, so ideally add a file to /etc/sudoers.d/ containing the following, replacing crcastle with your username. This will let the AppleScript script run route and pfctl without a password or Touch ID.

    crcastle		ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: /sbin/route,/sbin/pfctl
  • Enable the launchd job with sudo launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/unknown-wifi-connect-vpn.job.plist