
cloud management

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Maestro is a cloud management tool with a mongodb-like feel


var maestro = require("maestro").connect({
  ec2: {
    "accessKeyId": "XXXX",
    "secretAccessKey": "XXXX"
  rackspace: {
  gogrid: {
  joyent: {

//shutdown any rabbitmq servers idling for at least 10 minutes. Make sure not to invoke the command if the number
//of live servers is less than 3.
maestro.getZones({ service: "ec2" }).getServers({ group: "rabbitmq", "status.cpu": { $lt: 3 }}).watch().delay(1000 * 60 * 10).min(3).shutdown();

//shutdown any vnc servers with 0 connections after 1 minute. Make sure there are at least 10 servers
maestro.getZones({ service: "ec2" }).getServers({ group: "vnc", "connections": 0 }).watch().delay(1000 * 60).min(10).shutdown();

maestro.getZones({ service: "ec2" }).getServers({ group: "rabbitmq", "status.cpu": {$gt: 70 }}).watch().trigger(function() {
    maestro.getServers({ group: "rabbitmq", "state": "off" }).max(5).startup();

maestro.getZones({ service: "ec2" }).getServer({ group: "rabbitmq", "status.cpu": {$lt: 70}}).exec(function(err, server) {
  if(!server) return maestro.createServer("rabbitmq", callback);

Maestro API


var maestro = require("maestro").connect({
  groups: {
    "rabbitmq": {"group": "rabbitmq"}

maestro.group(name, query)

Defines a group of servers based on a search query

var rabbitGroup = maestro.group("rabbitmq", {"name":"rabbitmq"});

maestro.getServer(query, options, callback);

Finds a server.

  • query - query for a given server
  • options (optional)
    • create - create if a server cannot be found
    • ping - ping this IP to find the best server
maestro.getServer({ name: "windows-7", host: "ec2-east" }, { ping: reqIp }, function(err, server) {

maestro.runCommand(query, command, options, callback);

runs a command against the given servers

  • query - the server search query
  • command - the command to run against the servers
  • options (optional)
    • limit - max number of servers to invoke against
maestro.runCommand({ createdAt: Date.now() }, { "shutdown": 1 });


  • type - type of algorithm when selecting servers
    • roundRobin -
    • leastConn - grab the server that's least busy (default)


auto-scales group of servers

  • options
    • max - max number of servers to auto scale
    • algo - type of algorithm: machine learning is defualt

group.watch(query, listeners, delay);

Watches for any changes that might occur with any servers

group.watch({ name: "mongodb", "status.cpu": { $gt:60 } }, {
  "shutdown": function() {
    //handle on shutdown
  "destroy": function() {
  "startup": function() {
  "reboot": function() {
  "statusChange": function(event) {

//shutdown a server if it's been idle for more than 10 minutes
group.watch({ name: "mongodb", "status.cpu": { $lt: 10 }}, {
  "statusChange": function(server) {
}, 1000 * 60 * 10);

Server (Performer) API


returns current status about the given server.


sends shutdown signal


destroys the server


starts up the server


reboots the server


the number of physical connections to the server

Perfomer Client API

maestro.addServer(options, callback);

adds a server to maestro

  • options - options needed for adding the server
    • secret - the secret key used to add the server
    • info - the information about the server including the name
      • name
      • status

maestro.updateServer(query, update, onUpdate)

Updates maestro on the server status