C CUDA system module for Swift
This provides a direct C bridge. For native Swift CUDA APIs, cuda-swift is under active development. cuda-swift uses the CCUDA bridge.
import CCUDA // Equivalent to #include <cuda.h>
import CCUDARuntime // Equivalent to #include <cuda_runtime.h>
import CNVRTC // Equivalent to #include <nvrtc.h>
import CCuBLAS // Equivalent to #include <cublas_v2.h>
import CNVBLAS // Equivalent to #include <nvblas.h>
import CCuDNN // Equivalent to #include <cudnn.h>
One or more of the following modules are required, when and only when you import
CUDA at /usr/local/cuda/
NVRTC at /usr/local/cuda/
cuBLAS at /usr/local/cuda/
NVBLAS at /usr/local/cuda/
cuDNN at /usr/local/cuda/
For instance, if you only need to use the CUDA driver library while you don't have cuBLAS/nvBLAS/cuDNN installed, the module will compile, instead of asking you to install uncessary libraries.
Add a dependency:
.Package(url: "https://github.com/rxwei/CCUDA", majorVersion: 1)
You'll need to specify the path to your CUDA headers and library at swift build
. For example:
swift build -Xcc -I/usr/local/cuda/include -Xlinker -L/usr/local/cuda/lib