
Python code to creating a web application using Flask

Primary LanguagePython


Python code to creating a web application using Flask


Open anaconda and close out all enviornment:

conda deactivate

Get directory you want the git repo to be housed:

cd Desktop

Instruction for git clone:

Create git repo; copy/paste http link in anaconda: git clone https://github.com/crd3cc04/Twittoff2.git 

Go to repo directory:

cd Twittoff2

Open VS Code:

code .

Instructions for virtual environment and packages install:

create enviornment: python -m venv pipenv

install packages: pip install Flask Flask-SQLAlchemy Flask-Migrate

activate envirornment: pipenv\Scripts\activate

Instructions to setup database:

flask db init #> generate app/migrations dir. will not need to run again once already ran

#run both when changing the schema:
flask db migrate #> create the db (with "alembic_version" table)
flask db upgrade


Deploy Flask App Itself: FLASK_APP_twittoff.py
Run Flask App: flask run

Usage for Basilica and Tweepy usage

Import packages Requests, Basilica, and Twitter API access: 
pipenv install python-dotenv requests basilica tweepy
Basilica implementation: 
get API Key from the Basilica website
Twitter implementation:
get API, token, and secret tokens from Twitter Dev website. Note that tokens and sercet keys can be otained from the init file for future reference

Differnt Environments for Flask and Tweepy to work

To use Flask application you will need to create pip env 

To use Tweepy application you will need to use powershell