
Can not run

DrRingo opened this issue · 7 comments

I run the example in your README and get this error: TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable NoneType object

Here you are. I don't know what specific white space I use. I just copy your example to vscode on Windows 11, save the file, and run on WSL
Screenshot 2024-03-03 152324

Your "latexed" function may not convert orgmode format to latex.
Example: I write bold, italic in orgmode note, but Orji not auto convert it to latex format, even when I use "latexed" after "body"
Please fix this, your project have inspired me a lot. I use both orgmode and latex heavily in my daily job

I can't verify why exactly you were getting the above error for the default examples, but I've been getting it too for files without any actual notes like this:

This is the preface.\n\n

I also tested it with windows line endings and it seemed to work.

It's likely you didn't copy the whole file or copied and pasted without the bullet points '*' or something.

Your "latexed" function may not convert orgmode format to latex.

Yep, I'm afraid I did a very minimal version that worked for my purposes. I only cared about ampersands and URLs.

I've raised this as a separate issue here: #2

This issue should be fixed on the main branch of orgmunge. It's not yet released yet though.