
bash script to build crDroid (simple and with auto upload to FTP)

Primary LanguageShell

crDroid build script


This bash script is used to build crDroid and upload via FTP.
With proper settings, it's also possible to push to crDroid SourceForge page automatically.

How to Install

In order to install this, all it's needed to be done is copy build script locally, set it as executable and configure it with built-in wizard.
To do so run following commands in terminal:

# Download the script with curl
$ curl -LJO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/crdroidandroid/crdroid_build/14.0/build
# Make script executable
$ chmod +x build
# run the script
$ ./build


You now need to configure build script and add device codenames that you want to build for.
For that just issue ./build in terminal and follow the on-screen instructions.

$ ./build
$ Please enter the path where crDroid folder is located (full path ex:/home/<user>/crDroid)
$ /home/user/crDroid
$ Upload compilation to remote server at end of build?
$ 1 or 2 (Yes/No)
$ Enter remote hostname (ex: upme.crdroid.net):
$ upme.crdroid.net
$ Enter remote username::
$ user
$ Enter remote password:
$ myultrasecurepassword

Now as you just set your configuration, next step would be to add a devices to initiate build for.
Running ./build add will prompt you to enter your device information.

$ ./build add
$ Add a new device:
$ Format: <device codename>,<build type>,<remote upload path>
$ guacamole,user,/files/guacamole/7.x

Additional stuff (optional and not mandatory)

If you want for example to repopick some unmerged commits, just create a repopick.txt file, and add your stuff there.
Build script will execute them after repo sync

Start building

In order to start building, issue the following command in terminal

$ ./build


Issue ./build help in terminal for a list of helpfull commands

This build script is used to be able to build crDroid and upload the builds to remote server
Usage: ./build [OPTION]

Commands supported:
add       - adds a device to be built
remove    - removes a device from build list
list      - lists all devices that are configured to be built
clean     - cleans up the configuration
clear     - clears up all the devices on build list